Magically Divalicious

Story 4       Sacrifice For Love


Scene 1 

Charles found Cassie at her locker. She stood with her head down stuffing books into her bag. "Hey. I came by your house this morning. Your mom said you had already left." he stated.

Cassie spared him a second's glance and looked away. A few quiet, tense seconds went by before she acknowledged him. "I caught a ride with Stacy." She leaned back against her locker and pressed her purse against her chest, holding herself. Yesterday's events had left her feeling sad, insecure and very, very vulnerable. She didn't know how to proceed. Should she and Charles go on with an inevitably doomed relationship? Should they continue on as if the school year wasn't coming to a close? Why wait until then to move on, go their separate ways? Charles had told the story pretty accurately. He had read their relationship's fate. One of separate schools, separate lives and new beginnings.

Charles shuffled his feet and adjusted the pack on his back. The situation was tense. Cassie had rode to school with Stacy. He and Cassie always rode to school together.  "I called you last night. You took off out of the Revolution so fast. I came looking for you but you were gone. I was worried about you."

Cassie avoided his eyes, looking everywhere but at him. Her eyes scanned the floor, the wall behind his head, the students passing by, everywhere.

Charles reached out with his hand, encircling her wrist. "Cassie come on." he pleaded softly. "I know your upset but...___"



Claire walked up on them, interrupting. Her body language spoke volumes. She was raging mad. She shrugged her back pack to the floor.

Charles and Cassie knew what this was about. News spread fast in the Heights. The news of David's parents had quickly spread over night. The whole school was buzzing with the news of rich kid David's parents being busted and locked up.  Cassie had overheard her dad telling her mom about it last night and Charles had seen it on the nightly news. He'd tried calling David but he hadn't answered.

Claire shot them both a hard, angry look. "Did you two know about this?" she demanded to know.

Cassie shook her head slowly. "No." she said. She hadn't had any idea David's parents were involved in any kind of illegal activity. They seemed like such model citizens. She didn't know what else to say. She felt guilty because she had influenced the relationship. If it wasn't for her and Charles, Claire and David probably wouldn't be together in the first place.

Claire turned to Charles. He still hadn't said anything. "Charles,...well..., did you?" she repeated.

Charles dropped his head and rubbed his chin. David was his friend. He hadn't known about the illegal dealings but he had wondered about the family's lavish life style a few times. Sure, David's parents both had great jobs, great careers but David had always been a little too uptight about the whole situation. Now he knew why.

He looked up, facing Claire. He felt so sorry for her. She was a great girl and she really liked David. Worst part about it was David was totally smitten with her. Claire didn't know it but David always referred to her as his princess.

"Charles?" Claire said louder, waiting for a response. Her whole world had been turned upside down last night. Her dad had come home and told her he'd met David.  She had gotten all excited and happy, misunderstanding his use of the word met. She assumed he'd run into him on some routine traffic stop. David had a bad habit of driving a little to fast in his sports car. Wow,...had she been wrong. Her dad had proceeded to tell her the surprising way he'd met David. He hadn't given her all the details surrounding the case but she heard enough to know David's family was in serious trouble.  She had cried, then wailed uncontrollably on her dad's shoulder. She couldn't believe David was involved in something like this. She thought she'd finally found the guy of her dreams, her prince charming. Instead, he'd turned out to be nothing but another loser.

Charles finally spoke. "No, Claire I swear to you. I didn't know. I'm sorry."

Claire dropped her chin against her chest. Her head hung low. She looked up at them with watery eyes. "So..., I guess the jokes on me then huh?"

Cassie looked at her and nodded, alerting her to David.

Claire turned to see David coming. She composed herself and wiped away her tears as quickly as she could. She didn't want him to see her crying over him. She wouldn't give him the satisfaction.



David approached them in the hallway. He'd walked into school this morning with the whole school snickering and whispering behind his back. If only the ground could open up and swallow him whole. He'd heard every whisper, saw the finger pointing. He'd ignored everyone who called his name. He didn't want to talk about it. The only person he wanted to talk to and had to explain anything to was Claire. Everyone else could go to hell. He'd called her repeatedly last night but she had ignored his calls, eventually block his calls entirely.  He knew she'd be angry with him but he had to see her. He had to talk to her and explain.

He wanted to tell her how things had come to be. How his family had gotten sucked into a life of crime. He wanted her to know that he didn't agree with his dad and Melinda's actions and that they had argued on numerous occasions over his disapproval.  Unfortunately, he'd heard the same sorry excuse every time.  His dad always said the next time would be the last time but that time never came.  He was told that they were doing it to get ahead, trying to make a better lifestyle for themselves but most of all for him.  He'd tried to look the other way and turn a blind eye to his dad's downfall but he'd found himself arguing with him all the time.  His dad had told him to stay out of it. He was just a teenager and he should just sit back and enjoy the moment. In some ways he was relieved. Not because his dad was locked up but because things would change for the better. He just wanted Melinda out of their lives.

Claire grabbed her bag from the floor.  She had to get to class and she didn't want to see or talk to David.

David stood behind her. "Claire, can I please talk to you ?" he asked quietly, ignoring Charles and Cassie.

Claire quickly turned on him. "No!.  I don't want to talk to you.  I don't want to see you.  I don't want to talk to you and I don't want to hear anything you have to say." she growled, her eyes shooting daggers at him. "I don't want to hear about your rags to riches story.  Just leave me the hell alone!" She took off, leaving him standing there.

Cassie and Charles both felt horrible for David. It was bad enough to have your family's illegal business plastered all over the news and broadcasted throughout the school but now he'd probably lost his girlfriend in the process.

David hoisted his bag higher on his shoulder. "So I guess you guys know right?" His question came out as more of a statement than a question.

Charles and Cassie both nodded.  They didn't want to embarrass him any further.

David looked around sorely.  "I'll see you guys later."  he said, backing away towards the exit door.



Cassie looked at Charles. She hated seeing Claire and David this way. David was hurting and Claire was furious. "Charles, we have to talk to them. I'll talk to Claire if you'll talk with David.  We can't just let them breakup."

Charles looked at her with troubled uncertain eyes. Every word she'd just spoken applied to their own relationship. He didn't want them to break up either. "Yeah, you're right.  But who's going to save our relationship? Who's going to talk to us?"

Charles caught her off guard with his statement. Her lips flattened. " I got to get to class." she said, walking away.



Scene 2

Smart, smug, arrogant, intellectual and conceited weren't strong enough words to describe Mr. and Mrs. Brian and Melinda Gibbs. The two had been arrested last night and now sat in different holding rooms repeating the same story.  It was obvious they were prepared and had rehearsed this moment over in their head many times in case this day ever came. Both their stories connected and linked. Melinda laughed in Eddie and Sergeant Myers faces like it was a joke.

"Haha. You know, before I started my accounting firm, back in the day when I was just a grunt bookkeeper, I use to prepare taxes for people.  There was this one guy, Jack..., sweet guy with a wife and two beautiful kids. He was a cop and I remember thinking to myself, does a a man support himself and a family on such a measly little income."she smirked, eyeing Eddie disapprovingly. "But I admired his determination and grit." she added.

"What's your point?" Sergeant Myers asked.

Melinda leaned forward. "My point is Sergeant Myers, I probably give more to charity than the two of you make in a year. Combined. I give thousands of dollars away each year to the local policeman's association. Doesn't that count for anything?" she spat.

"Look, we don't care about your status. You're going to loose everything your high society life style and status bought you. the federal government and the IRS is probably going to seize everything you bought with your newfound money. Look at the trouble your status has gotten you into." Eddie said. He couldn't believe she had the nerve to sit there with no remorse. He felt sorry for their son. He'd met David a couple of times and he seemed like a really good kid. Two good for the likes of these two.  "Just tell us who you're working with. Tell us who's supplying you. That's all we care about."

"They're welcome to seize anything they can still find in my name, in the county or still in the country." This was ridiculous. She and her husband owned many assets, many of which were outside the country. They owned a home in Jamaica and had numerous bank accounts and savings. At the most, she figured she'd do a little jail time and be out in time to enjoy her summer. She sat up straight and spoke definitively. "The only thing you gentlemen have on me is an old run down house in a crappy neighborhood with a shit load of guns. Do you have any idea how many lowlifes I've rented that house out to? Those firearms could have been left there by anyone. I just took advantage of an opportunity left dangling before me. I found a load of weapons in my house and I decided to hire a couple of thugs to sell them them for me." Melinda argued.

"Yeah, well we're looking for the rest of your thugs right now. Maybe they can answer some questions for us."

"Talk to them all you want officer. They'll tell you the same thing I'm telling you now. They made some quick cash by selling street pieces." Melinda countered. "So..., we have a little small time gun sales charge along with a little money laundering through my accounting firm." She turned to Sergeant Myers. "What does that add up to nowadays Sergeant? Huh?, What..., maybe six months behind bars and probation?  I'll take that. I'll call in a few contacts and my lawyer will make sure I end up in a nice laid back, cushy environment. Trust me gentlemen, I won't end up in county."

Eddie was so annoyed he could spit. If she wasn't a woman he would have strangled her. "You've got more than that to worry about. You're going to lose your license. What happens to your big time accounting firm then?"

Melinda stared at him quietly.

Eddie smiled. Finally, he'd said something to shut her up and wipe that smug expression off of her face. 



Scene 3

Charles found David sitting outside in his car. He knocked on the passenger side window.

David unlocked the door, letting him in. "Man, what are you doing out here. You're going to miss class. You better go." he said.

Charles shook his head. "I figured I'd find you out here. I'm not worried about skipping class right now. I need to tell you something."

"Look Charles,...if this is about this thing with my parents...___" he started.

"No." Charles said. "I came out here to tell you that you just need to give Claire some time. Claire and Cassie are alot alike. They have a lot in common. Sometimes when Cassie and I have arguments I try and sit back and give her some space. Usually, everything comes together and works out in the end. David..., dude, come on.  You can't blame her for being upset."

"I'm not blaming her!" David said loudly.  "I just need to talk to her. I need her to hear my side of the story."

"Man, just let it rest. She'll come around. She's crazy about you. Just give her some space."

David sighed. "Look man, I never wanted any of this. My parent are...__" he began.

Charles stopped him. "David, you don't have to explain anything to me. You've been my boy for a little over a year now. I think I know what kind of person you are. You don't have to say anything." he explained.

"What if she doesn't understand when I explain to her." David mentioned.

"She will David. She will." Charles promised. He got out of the car.  "Come on man. Let's go to class. If we hurry we can make it before second period starts."



Scene 4

Watkins sat in the next room with Detective Sanders interrogating Brian Gibbs. He was smooth. Really smooth.

"I'm a lawyer. I represented a couple of street thugs on some drug charges. They needed a place to stay and rented one of our homes. They took off in the middle of the night, skipped out on rent and I guess they left behind their illegal baggage."

"You want us to believe some hustlers just decided to jump up and leave like a thief in the night and left their stash back at your place?" Watkins asked.

"I can't explain it any more or any better than you can officer." Mr. Gibbs answered.  "I'm just making an assumption. Now, if you're charging me with the sale of illegal, unlicensed weapons, I'm guilty as charged. As for the illegal gun trafficking ring spread from here to Santa Barbara to God knows where else, I have nothing to do with it."

Detective Sanders spoke quickly. "We've got a witness who says you stored illegal arms in just about every rental property you own."

Gibbs laughed. "Officer, you and your men searched the houses yourselves. Did you find anything? You guys don't have anything more on me. Here's how I see it.  I'll spend a few months in jail. The state bars association will probably yank my license and I'll lose my firm. I'm getting old. It's about time for me to retire anyway."

"Yeah." Watkins agreed. "We got a nice six by ten jail cell retirement home waiting for you."

Gibbs smiled. "My lawyers working on having us released. My wife and I should be home in time for dinner."



Scene 5

Cassie walked with Claire down the hallway.

Cassie broached the subject of David lightly. "So, how long are you planning on avoiding David? Claire, you have to talk to him some time."

Claire stopped walking and turned to look at her. "Are you the same girl who ran out of the revolution yesterday?" Cassie was her girl but she didn't agree with the way she had handled things with Charles.

"Claire, that's different." Cassie defended.

"How is it different Cassie?" Claire responded. "You're upset with Charles for keeping things from you and David's not the guy I thought he was."

"But he is Claire." Cassie answered.  "I don't believe for one second David was involved in anything illegal. Don't be so hard on him."

"I'm glad you have so much faith in him." Claire said, turning on her heels to walk away.

Cassie grabbed her arm. "Claire, at least give him a chance to explain. You should hear his side."

Claire didn't agree or  refuse. "What about you? How long do plan on torturing poor Charles?"

Cassie lowered her lashes. She didn't want to talk about Charles.

Claire touched her on her shoulder, reassuring her. "You can't keep ignoring and avoiding him. He's heartbroken and he's so in love with you it's painful to watch."

"Claire, Charles and I want different things for our futures."

"Cassie, people make long distance relationships work. If you love Charles like I know you do, you'll find a way to make it work. And as for your future, you should ask yourself what your future is going to be like without Charles.  I know your talented, you love art and you fell in love with Pratt when you went to Newyork but somehow I don't think Pratt will be as important to you without Charles."

Cassie looked around in despair. Claire's words made sense but they didn't make her hurt any less.

"Look Cassie, all I'm saying is if you're going to break up with him, then by all means break up with him but don't leave him hanging." Claire looked around, pointing at students.  "People are already talking about you and Charles calling it quits because of how you stormed out of the Rev yesterday. Charles is a great guy Cassie. You need to make a decision but you need to be very sure it's what you really want because half the girls in this school would love to take your place. Don't ruin a good thing. Talk to him. You owe him that much." She sighed. "Come on, let's go to lunch."

Cassie shook her head. "I can't, I've got a prom committee meeting. You go ahead."

Claire held her hands up. "Prom meeting, already? Prom is months from now. Why so early?"

"Well, last year we had a green prom so we didn't spend a lot of money.  We're going for something different this year. We're trying to come up with a really cool theme, something really nice, really fancy.

"Sounds like fun." Claire said. "I can't wait."

"Yeah." Cassie replied. "All we have to do now is start raising money. We've got a senior dance planned.  It should be fun." Cassie explained, glancing at her beeping cell phone. She sighed. "It's Charles.  Just tell him I had a meeting."

Claire frowned. "Cassie..., I really don't want to...___" she began.

"Please." Cassie begged. "I promise I'll talk to him but now right now. I have to go."



Scene 6

Cassie rolled her eyes. She was so happy the prom meeting was over. She'd forgotten Sage was on the prom committee. Sage had done nothing but talk about her prom queen status the whole entire time.

Sage approached her with that wicked grin on her face. "So,...Cassie..., I heard there's trouble in Chassieland again. You guys split huh?" Sage asked, trying to hold back a smile.

"Charles and I are none of your business Sage." Cassie said, irritated with Sage. Sage would never change.

Sage nibbled on a pencil. "I'm just saying your timing is awful. Prom is months away but everyone's pretty much paired off already.  Although, some of us girls still don't have dates." Sage threatened.

Cassie got in her face. "Sage, don't you dare. You better not go anywhere near him!"  Regardless of what troubles she and Charles were having, she couldn't bear to see him with anyone else, especially Sage.

"Why not?" Sage responded. "He's not yours anymore remember? You guys broke up."

"Why don't you just go with your own boyfriend Thad and who told you Charles and I broke up?" Cassie asked, seething inside.

"Thad and I were over months ago. And can you please stop making me sound like some man stealing barracuda. I'm not the only girl you're going to have to worry about. Everybody knows Charles is a total hottie and you've had him all wrapped up and to yourself for the past four years. It's about time you let him breathe don't you think?"

Cassie made a grab for her but Sage pulled away, just out of reach. She wanted to scratch Sage's eyes out. It always came back to this. Sage would never give up trying to steal Charles away. She just couldn't be trusted.

"Oh, and to answer your question, you told everyone at the Rev you and Charles broke up when you stormed out and left him standing there like an idiot." Sage returned sharply, walking away.



Scene 7

Charles stood outside the school parking lot waiting on Cassie. She had avoided him all day, even resorting to sitting clear across the room from him during English class. Enough was enough. They needed to hear each other out.

Cassie walked with Stacy and Claire.

Claire nudged her with her elbow. "Well, here's your chance to have that talk. Go over and talk to him."

Cassie relented. She'd intended on riding home with Stacy but Charles was here waiting for her, standing with the passenger side door open.

"Do you want me to wait on you?" Stacy asked.

"No, it's okay. You guys go ahead." Cassie said.

She eyed Charles as he held her door open.

He had a determined look to his face and she sensed an argument coming. "We need to talk Cassie." 

She didn't respond.  She just got into the car.



The drive home was long, tense and extremely quiet. So much so that Cassie leaned over to turn on the radio to kill the silence. She wished Charles would say something. He'd said they needed to talk but he'd remained completely quiet the whole way. She studied him from the corner of her eye. His face was set and stern. She wondered what he was thinking.

Charles drove quietly, gathering his thoughts, thinking about what he wanted to say. The day had turned out horribly between them and he wanted to make it right. 

Please stop and play the youtube audio track below before reading any further. Listen to the track as you read the remaining story to help invision the scene.  Thanks 


07 - Reason For Breathing (Album Edit).mp3

They'd had arguments before and had always managed to work things out but for some reason this time felt different. He had a nervous feeling about this. He pulled up along side the street at Cassie's house and cut the engine.  He sighed heavily and his hands flexed on the steering wheel. He turned, facing her with his arms thrown across the head rest. He unbuckled his seat belt then bent to unfasten hers. "How long are you planning on doing this?"

Cassie swiveled in her seat, facing him. "Doing what? What are you talking about Charles?" she pretended, trying to deny the whole thing. She didn't want to fight with him.

Charles scratched his head with frustration. "This!, What you're doing right now!" he yelled, holding his hands out to her, acknowledging her tense body language, her denial, her inability to look into his eyes. He was angry but most of all hurt. "You barely said two words to me all day. This is ridiculous. I feel like I'm being punished for refusing to go to Pratt."

Now it was her chance to be upset. "Stop yelling at me Charles. I feel like I'm being punished for being accepted to Pratt!" she yelled. She shook her head and covered her face with her hands. Her voice was riddled with hurt and anger. "God..., Charles... we're going to be separated and you're acting like you're not bothered by it. You make it sound like we'll only be five minutes away but we'll be on different sides of the country. Every time I think about it I hurt more and more."

Charles sat forward in his seat, coming to full attention. "I'm not making light of it. Do you think I want to leave you? I didn't plan this Cassie. It just happened. Just because we want different things for our future doesn't mean our feelings have to change. You're trying to throw away four years of our lives. We've been together for four years Cassie. It doesn't have to end. We'll just have a long distance relationship. Let's just enjoy the time we have together and not waste them."

Cassie's voice cracked and she choked back a sob. Her lip trembled. She'd promised herself she wouldn't cry again. She fought and held it in. "Charles, I'm sorry but I cant just sit here and pretend like everything is going to be okay. I can't pretend that I'm not going to lose you.  I'm starting to count the days as they get closer and closer. We might as well get used to the idea now so when the time comes it won't hurt so much."

Charles's eyes narrowed. "So, you're practicing for our break up?  Is that it?  You're practicing leaving me?  Are you preparing yourself?" he asked unbelievably.

"I'm not practicing anything. I'm preparing myself for the inevitable. You want to pretend that we'll both go away and everything will be fine. Can you promise me Charles? What if you go away and find someone else? Four years away from each other is a long time. What if you find someone else?" she repeated, struggling to find the words.  The words were so hard to say  she could barely spit them out.

Charles clasped her hands in his. ", listen to me....I won't.  I'm not going to find anyone else. I love you. I know how you feel Cassie. Baby, I love you so much. I'm willing to try and make this work. I"ll do what I have to do to keep you in my life. I'm not ready for you to walk away from me yet.  He pulled her across the seat into his lap, ignoring her protest.  He pushed her hair back away from her face. "Look at me. There is no one else. This isn't easy for me either. I look at you and all I can think about is when the day finally comes when I won't be able to see you whenever I want, touch you, make love to you." He emphasized his words by caressing her back, smoothing her arms.  "Everything's going to be okay. We can make this work. Let's not think about the time we'll be apart. We'll have breaks and vacations and we can come see each other. It's not impossible Cassie. Let's make it work."

"I tried to make it work. I told you, I want to get married right after we graduate. If we're going to be separated I want to be your wife first."

"We will be. We're going to be married. I want you to be my wife but your parents want you to go to school first." Charles explained, nuzzling her nose with his. "Cassie, you're part of the reason I want this so bad. The reason I want to follow my dream, follow a career in auto design. When we're married, when you become my wife, I want to be a real husband to you. I want to have a career so I can spoil you, take care of you and pamper you."

"Can you promise me we'll be together?" Cassie asked, hitting him with the ultimate question, the ultimate promise.

Charles threw his head back against the seat. He sighed and looked down at her. She wanted him to be honest so he gave her  honesty,  answering the best he could. He caressed her face. "Cassie, I can't promise you that but you know that I love you and I'll never do anything to intentionally hurt you."

A single tear fell down her face. She swallowed the lump in her throat. She reached for the door latch but Charles covered her hand with his.

"So, this is it? You're just going to walk away from me?" he asked gently.

"Charles let me go." Cassie cried.

"No. Look at me and tell me you don't love me." he dared her.  "Tell me you don't love me anymore and I'll let you go". He pressed his lips against hers and tasted her tears.

Cassie pulled away quickly, rushing out of the car.

Charles jumped out behind her and ran around to the front of the car. He stopped short, watching her run into the house. He'd just lost Cassie. He erupted, slamming his fist into the hood of his car. He jumped into the car and slammed his hand against the steering wheel. He'd lost her. He'd lost his baby. 



Scene 8

Claire thanked Stacy for giving her a ride home. David's car was parked in the driveway. He sat on the front steps waiting on her. She stood on the sidewalk for a few minutes, staring across the lawn at him. She walked over slowly and sat next to him. She folded her arms in her lap and spoke softly. "You said you wanted to talk..., so..., talk."

David didn't waste any time beating around the bush. He got right down to the details. His voice was hard and he sounded defeated. "My dad met Melinda a little over two years ago. He represented her on some case. He got involved with her, cheated on my mom and they got a divorce. They argued over custody and I wouldn't make a decision. I wouldn't choose between the two, so I go back and forth between them. I try to spend my summers and weekends with my mom because of her schedule and the rest of my time with dad."  He paused and studied Claire. He didn't want to go any further until he read her reaction to what she'd already heard.

She spoke without looking at him. "Go on, I'm listening."

He continued. "Melinda came with a lot of baggage. She was involved in a lot of underground, illegal stuff. My dad married her and he turned into a different person. We started arguing."   He shook his head and looked away annoyingly, thinking about the many arguments he and his dad had.  "We argued all the time. All the time. Every time I tried to make him see through Melinda he would accuse my mom of poisoning my mind, turning me against him.  Melinda and I,...we barely speak. I guess you probably noticed it that day at the pool. We don't get along. She tore our family apart and my mom was devastated."

Claire gaze darted around them, glancing at the cars as they passed by.  "So, this explains why you got so uptight and so uncomfortable every time someone mentioned anything regarding money." she stated, "whenever we mentioned your car, your clothes, everything." she recalled, thinking back and remembering how upset he would get.

David looked at her. His answer was short. "Yeah." 

"David..., why didn't you just say something? Why didn't you just tell someone what was going on?" Claire asked abruptly.

David hesitated. "If your asking why I didn't turn my dad in, I think I can answer that question pretty honestly. He's my dad Claire. Regardless of what he was doing wrong or what crime he was committing he was still my dad. That doesn't make it right but I just couldn't do it."

Claire regretted the question as soon as she asked it. Of course he couldn't report his own dad. "I'm sorry David. I shouldn't have said that."

"No, it's okay. Trust me, I thought about it many times but like I said, I just couldn't go through with it."

Claire treaded lightly. She didn't want to intrude into his affairs to deeply. "So..., what happens now?  What happens to your parents?" Her heart went out to him.

David breathed deeply and toyed with his watch. "If I know my dad, by the time he calls in some favors, makes some contacts, they'll probably spend no more than a few months if not less in jail."

Claire licked her lips in anticipation of her next question. She really liked David. She was worried about him. "David, what does this mean? What's going to happen to you? Where will you go?"

"I'm going to go with my mom..., for good this time.  She lives about four blocks away from us so I can still see my dad if I want."

"So, I guess you'll just be an ordinary, normal teenager just like the rest of us huh? No more fancy cars, clothes, kicks." Claire pointed out.

"Why?" David asked nervously. "Would it bother you if I was?" He wanted Claire to accept and like him for being himself, just plain old David.

"No!" Claire returned sharply. "David, I didn't date you for what you have. I don't care about your car or your fancy house.  I don't care about any of that stuff."

"Good, because I'm afraid that part of my life won't change much." David replied.

Claire stared at him, confused. "What do you mean?"

David clarified. "My mom's a doctor Claire. My real mom. She's a pediatrician. She's over at the regional medical center. Money's never been a real issue for our family but all the money in the world couldn't keep it together. My mom put my dad through law school, made him a success and he payed her back by ruining her life."

Claire had to admit she was a little curious and had a lot of questions. "How come you ended up here, here with us?" She shrugged her shoulders.  "I mean, with your grades, your smarts and your money, you could be anywhere but instead you're at Robelson High, a public school. You're one of the top students in the senior class." Claire pointed out, unbelievably.

"I was in private school before Robelson. I started out in public grade schools but my parent's transferred me to private later on. After my junior year I decided I wanted to go back. It was my decision to make and I'm glad I chose it because I met you." David smiled.

Leave it to David to say something so sweet and catch her off guard. She turned away, smiling. She couldn't help it. David was a good person and she wanted to be with him but her dad would never allow it. Not now,  not after the incident with his parents. Things had been going so well. Her dad had been all set to meet David. Why did this have to happen?

David grabbed her hand and inter twined their fingers. He looked at her with so much feeling, so much emotion behind his eyes. "So..., you've heard my story. What now?" he questioned.   

Claire leaned her shoulder against his. "David, my father will never allow me to see you.  If he was skeptical before, imagine what he's thinking now. That night, when he came home and told me, he was livid. After this thing with your parents, he'll never understand.  He'll never trust you." she said hoarsely.

"Then let me talk to him Claire." David pleaded.  "I want to talk to him. I want to meet him." he offered, willing to try anything to be with her.

"Ha." Claire tried to laugh and make light of the situation but failed miserably. She was dyeing inside. "You've already met remember."

David rested his fore head against hers. "You know what I mean. I want you to introduce us. I want to really meet him and have a chance to talk to him." He gripped her hands tightly. "I'll make him understand Claire." he insisted.

Claire shook her head. "It's not that simple David. My dad's got some problems of his own." she allowed without going into detail. "If he sees us together, there's no telling what he might do. You'd better go. He should be home any minute now." she said, her voice shaky and wobbly, overflowing with emotion.

David nodded his head slowly, taking in the finality of her words. "So..., I'm losing my father and my girlfriend all at the same time." he breathed. He caught her jaw in his hand and stared at her for a few silent minutes. They sat with their heads together quietly.

"You have to go." Claire repeated softly. She didn't want an altercation between David and her dad.

David leaned in and kissed her. It wasn't a timid peck, no chaste kiss on the lips. For the first time, he really kissed her. She was caught up in a breath robbing, soul searing kiss. He angled his head, forcing her head back, controlling the kiss, taking her breath away.

It was all she could do to pull away. "Just go." she sighed, pulling away, rushing into the house. She slammed the door and leaned back against it. She covered her mouth with her hand, muffling the sound as she burst into tears. 



Scene 9

Jenn called upstairs. "Cassie!, come down. Time for dinner." she yelled.

"You want me to go get her?" Grandpa Spencer asked, smiling.  He'd showed up unexpectedly, surprising them.

Eddie smiled. "No, it's okay dad.  She'll be down in a minute."

Tay was busy setting the table.  "I don't think she's coming down." he said sarcastically.  He'd seen her crying when she came home.

Grandpa Spencer turned on him.  "Why not?  What's wrong with her." he inquired, curious with Tay's sarcastic tone.

Tay glanced at Lizzie.

"I don't know.  She rushed in crying earlier." Lizzie volunteered, helping Tay with the dishes.

"What?" Spencer shouted.  "Who's making my granddaughter cry?"

Cassie came down stairs. "Grandpa!" she screamed. She hadn't known he was there. She hugged him.

"Hey." Grandpa said, smiling.  "What's my pretty granddaughter up to and what's this I hear about someone making you cry?" he questioned.  He put his arms around her and walked her to the table.  He held up his fist.  "You know, if Charles isn't treatin you right, I can have a little talk with him." he joked, not realizing how close he was to the truth.

Cassie smiled and took her seat.  "It's okay grandpa.  I'm fine." she lied.



Everyone talked and ate. They laughed at Spencer's jokes and wild stories.

"Mom.., dad, I've got some good news." Lizzie said.  The chorus is holding auditions for a special solo performance. The winner gets to perform at the senior dance.  I'm going to try out."

Eddie smile.  "Alright, that's good. I hope you win."

"That's great baby.  Do you now what you're going to sing?" Jenn asked.

Cassie cut in abruptly.  "Hold on..., when did the chorus class decide this? I thought they were going to use a DJ like they do every year."

"Mr. Saldano just told us about it today." Lizzie smiled. She was excited. "Don't worry, they'll still have a DJ. I can't wait. I have to start practicing as soon as possible. I don't want people booing me off the stage."

Jenn encouraged her.  "Lizzie, you have an amazing voice. I'm sure you'll do fine honey. Don't worry."

"Don't get too excited Lizzie." Cassie warned.  "You have to win the contest first." she scoffed, rudely dismissing Lizzie's excitement.  She was in a rotten mood. All she could think about was Charles.

"Oh, don't worry..., I plan on winning.  I will be on that stage." Lizzie countered.   She turned to her dad. "That is, if dad agrees to let Tay help me prepare.  I'll need his help dad."

Tay looked up from his dinner.  "Ah, Lizzie..., don't you think you should have asked me first?"

"Please Tay. Just help me with my vocals. Spot me. I figured we could use your equipment to practice." Lizzie begged.

Tay nodded. He smiled and beat on the table, pretending to play the drums.  "Sure, that's cool. As long as dad says it's okay." he added. He was still grounded and couldn't have anything to do with his music.

Eddie leaned back in his chair.  "Alright." he agreed, "but just until the competition is over."

"Thanks dad." Lizzie said, smiling as she and Tay high-fived. 

"I am one proud grandfather." Spencer bragged. "Every one of my grand kids is so talent. Very talented."

"Thanks grandpa." They all said.

Cassie wiped her mouth with her napkin.  "Oh, mom, I need some money. I have to pay prom dues and I need a new outfit for the senior dance."

Jenn and Eddie looked at each other.  Eddie nodded.

"Okay." Jenn said, "but it's going to cut into your car money."

Lizzie and Tay both looked at Cassie like she knew something they didn't.

Cassie glanced from her mom to her dad. Maybe she hadn't heard right. "What?" she asked, baffled.

Jenn smiled. "We are going car shopping tomorrow. You're finally getting your car."

Cassie jumped out of her seat. She hugged Jenn with all her might, then turned and kissed Eddie on the cheek. "Oh my God. Thanks mom. Thanks dad. I can't believe it. Finally!, wow!." she shouted, smiling from ear to ear.

Lizzie and Tay both sat quietly.

"What about me and Tay?" Lizzie questioned, feeling left out.

Eddie spoke up. "Don't worry. I promised everyone we'd do something fun with the money. We're not going to spend all of it. Cassie has college coming up and we want to be prepared.  Lizzie, you're going to get that new wardrobe I promised you and Tay, we'll order some new music equipment."

Tay and Lizzie screamed.

Eddie covered his ears, laughing. "Hold on..., wait a minute. Tay, the same rules still apply. You'll get your equipment but they'll be locked away until you bring those grades up. If I were you, I'd use that as an incentive."

Tay's heart sank but his spirits didn't stay down for long. "That's cool dad. I'm just happy we're finally spending the money."

Jenn turned to Lizzie. "You and I will go shopping this week."

Eddie made a point to warn Cassie about the kind of car she chose. "Cassie, don't get any ideas. I want you to get a nice safe, dependable used car."

"Whoa, how used are we talking dad?" Cassie asked, grimacing with the thought of driving some broken down battleship.

"Calm down." Jenn said. "We'll find you something dependable. Hopefully we can find something a couple years old. We can't afford a new one."

"Yeah." Eddie agreed. "I want a nice big, over sized car. I don't want any of those little mini coops I've seen on the roads. You might as well be driving a big wheel."

Cassie turned to Jenn. "Mom, I want to pick my own car."

Grandpa Spencer stood up, taking his plate to the kitchen. "Leave her alone son. I agree. She has a right to chose her own car.

Cassie smile. "Thanks grandpa." Grandpa was always on their side.

Spencer chuckled. "Now, if you ask me and if you want my opinion..." he started.

Eddie and Jenn spoke at the same time. "We don't."

Spencer continued anyway. "If I was buying a car, I'd be looking for an old G'd out cadillac." he joked. "I'm thinkin a nice Cadillac Coupe Deville, STS model." he laughed.

Tay got up, helping with the dishes. He slapped his grandfather's hand.  "Yeah..., that's what I'm talkin about grandpa. An old G'd out playa pimp mobile sittin on rug flat twenty fours. And it's got to be chromed out." he laughed.  His grandpa was cool.

Eddie shook his head with disapproval. "Dad, please don't influence him."

Tay laughed.  "Hey Lizzie, you want to practice tonight?"

Lizzie grabbed her plate.  "Yeah, I'll meet you upstairs."

Jenn grabbed Cassie's hand. She was so happy for her.  "I'll pick you up tomorrow after school. You're finally getting your car."



Scene 10

Lizzie knocked on Cassie's door. She needed some advice. She cracked the door open. "Cassie, can I talk to you?"

Cassie sat up in bed and pushed her homework aside. "Sure." she answered. "What's up?"

Lizzie sat on the bed timidly. "How did you know Charles was the one?  How did you deal with the whole race issue?"

Cassie studied her. Something told her this had to do with Andrew.  "Lizzie, race was never really an issue for Charles and me.  I mean..., I just knew I liked him and I wanted to be with him.  Charles didn't have a problem with it and neither did I.  He approached me.  We've heard and seen our fair share of negativity from people but we never listened.  We didn't let it get to us."

The corner of Lizzie's mouth tugged upward with a smile. "You make it sound so easy."

"Lizzie, if you and Andrew really like each other, you're going to have to get used to some people pointing and staring.  Don't listen to them. Trust me.  You can't help who you like and who you fall in love with and the color of their skin shouldn't have anything to do with it.  All you guys have to do is ignore them." she explained.  "They'll get used to it eventually."

Lizzie winced. "It's not Andrew. It's me. I don't know. I just feel like people are judging me and I'm scared because I don't want Andrew to think I'm ashamed of him because I'm not."

"Lizzie, you always do the right things. It'll be okay."

"Thanks." Lizzie said, heading for the door.

Cassie stopped her. "Lizzie wait. I heard you and Tay practicing. You sounded great. I hope you win."

Lizzie smiled. "Thanks. Goodnight."



Scene 11

School was an ordeal. A horrible, horrible ordeal.  Cassie felt like crawling into a big hole. Every corner she turned, every hallway she entered, Charles was there. They walked on opposite sides of the hallway looking everywhere but at each other. The worst part was, everyone studied their reactions, waiting to see what would happen. The girls all snickered and smirked at her. They were thrilled she and Charles had broken up.



In English class, Cassie sat on the right side of the room and Charles on the far left. It was sickening and heart wrenching to watch the girls gush all over him. They sat on his desk and found unnecessary reasons to touch him. They bent over in their tight skirts and leaned forward in their low cut tops. They brushed against him.  Why couldn't they just leave him alone? They were acting like some vultures. She had to sit back and watch and there was nothing she could say, nothing she could do. Talk about pouring salt in an open wound. It was plain torture. Charles didn't do anything to encourage them in the least. He seemed indifferent and gave short, curt one word answers but that didn't make her feel any better. 

This one girl, Tracy, stood beside his desk talking. She sat in his lap with her arms around his neck,flirting with him. Charles unwound her arms from his neck and stood up abruptly, pushing her off. Cassie felt like dyeing. She knew the breakup would be hard but this was ridiculous. A girl could only take so much. She'd seen enough. She grabbed her things and slowly walked out of class.

Claire tried to stop her. "Cassie wait!." she called out, shooting Charles a disappointing stare. She looked around the room. These girls were idiots. Any fool could see Charles and Cassie were still very much in love. "Nice going Charles." she spat, rolling her eyes at him.

Charles looked over at her. "What? I didn't do anything."

Claire looked away. "He was right. He wasn't influencing them. Her friend was upset and she just wanted to lash out at someone."



Things worsened as the day progressed. Kevin Massey, a guy from her Trigonometry class asked her to the Senior dance.  Kevin was a nice guy.  He build was medium and had dreadlocks down to his shoulders. He was extremely handsome and dark skinned but she only liked him as a friend.  Kevin had approached her at her locker and Charles happened to be walking by.  Judging from the look on his face, he had seen and heard everything.  He looked murderous. She turned Kevin down flat but Charles hadn't stuck around long enough to hear her response. She'd never forget the look on his face when he'd passed by watching them.



Hours later, she and Claire sat having lunch in the cafeteria. Claire alerted her to Charles and Kevin standing together in the far corner. "What the hell's going on?" Claire asked.

Cassie followed her gaze. "I don't know." she said. Whatever it was it didn't look good. She was nervous. Charles and Kevin stood aside in a far corner.  She couldn't hear what was being said but she could tell they were arguing. She knew Charles's temper. His face was red and he stood face to face with David. She could see heated words being exchanged. Charles's fists were clenched. He was in Kevin's face, goading him. He was starving for a fight.  Thankfully, Kevin had the good sense to push him away and walk off.  She stared across the room at him as he turned, scanning the room , looking for someone. His eyes connected with hers and he stared at her for a few seconds before storming out of the cafeteria.

Claire looked at her. "Wow, I wonder what that was all about."

Cassie didn't say anything. She just looked away.



Scene 12

Eddie peered at Cassie through the rear view mirror. He had been driving around for hours and was frustrated beyond reason. They had been in and out of car dealerships for the past few hours and Cassie couldn't seem to make up her mind.  She was going for style over function.  He saw her peeking at him in the mirror.

He turned into a Volkswagen dealership and parked. He swung around to look at her in the backseat. "Let me guess, Charles has a Volkswagen Jetta so you want a Volkswagen to right?"

"Charles has nothing to do with this dad." Cassie returned.

"Cassie, we've been to three different lots and we've test drove dozens of cars. It's time for you to make a decision. I'm beginning to think you don't really want or need a car." he threatened, urging her to make a decision.

Jenn touched him on his fore arm. "Eddie, it's her first car.  You remember what that was like don't you?" she sympathized.

Cassie rolled her eyes. "Dad, most of those cars were stick shifts."

"I thought Charles taught you how to drive stick shift?" Eddie asked impatiently.

"He did but I didn't like it. I prefer an automatic transmission." Cassie answered.

"Well, what about that little white Chevy we saw?  That was a nice car." he argued.

Cassie looked at him with her eyebrows drawn up. "Dad, it was white. I don't want to look like some insurance sales lady driving around town."

Eddie shook his head and breathed hard. He knew he should have stayed home and let Jenn handle this. He pointed his finger at her through the mirror, warning her.  "Cassandra, if you think I'm going to ride around town looking for some special color you've got another...__" he started.

Jenn jumped in. "Eddie, we'll find something." She opened the car door. "Come on. There's got to be something here." she reasoned.



They scrolled the car lot and test drove a few more cars. They were just about to give up when Cassie yelled across the car lot, motioning them over to a copper/orange colored Volkswagen Beetle she'd fallen in love with. She was ecstatic and loved everything about it. It was an automatic, the color was perfect and she knew she would look good in it.

Eddie stood back with his hands deep in his pockets as Jenn and Cassie sat inside testing gadgets and checking out the interior.

"What do you think dad?" Cassie asked excitedly.

He didn't know what to say or think. His eyebrows shot up. "Cassie..., a bug?" he asked unbelievably.

"It's a beetle dad." Cassie corrected him.

Eddie frowned as he walked around the car, circling. Out of all the cars why did she have to fall in love with a bug?  "Look how small it is." he complained.  "Look at the little tires.  People are going to run you over in this thing."

Jenn laughed. "Eddie, it's really not that small."  It was actually quite roomy with it's doomed shape roof.   "I think it's perfect and it's within our price range." she pointed out, pointing to the sticker on the window.  It was a great car, only three years old with a good paint job.  The previous owner had taken really good good care of it. 

"Dad, I want to test drive it. Please." Cassie begged.

The salesman let them test drive it and Cassie was sold.  This was the car she wanted.  Eddie sat up front with Cassie and complained the whole time.  His knees touched the dashboard and he barely had enough room to maneuver his elbows.  The look on his face was priceless.

Jenn sat in the back.  "I don't think this car was made for you honey." she said amusingly.

Eddie shot her a penetrating look, his eyes blazing. He felt and looked ridiculous but if this was the car Cassie wanted, this was the car she was getting.  "Let's just go inside and get this over with." he relented.  "I can't believe you came all the way out here to buy Herbie!" he said loudly.

Jenn and Cassie looked at each other and burst out laughing.






Cassie walked around the showroom as Eddie and Jenn talked numbers with the finance manager.  She was amazed by what she saw on the showroom floor. These cars were different. They weren't like the cars out on the lot.  These were the show pieces, the limited/special editions. She saw everything from exotic safari animal prints to Mona Lisa inspired designs. She fell in love with a physcedelic colored Volkswagen Beetle.  Her fingers trailed along it's sides, mesmerized by the the design.  She couldn't stop staring at it. It was covered with bold, intense colors. It was fun and vibrant.  The colors and the design were amazing.  This car made a statement.



The floor manager, Matthew, noticed her fascination with the car and approached her.  "Beautiful work of art don't you think?" he asked, introducing himself.

Cassie smiled, shook his hand and introduced herself. He was right. This was art. Art didn't have to be limited to a piece of canvas.  "Yes, it's beautiful." She agreed.  "Is this a concept car?" she questioned.

"Let me guess, engineer student?" Mark countered a guess.

Cassie shook her head, smiling. "No, I'm an artist. This car is great. I'm impressed. I love the design and the colors."

Matthew apologized. "Oh, you'll have to excuse me. I couldn't help but notice your keen interest but to answer your question, no..., this is a replica of the Volkswagen Beetle created for the Austin Powers movie years ago. You remember the physcedelic time machine mobile don't you?" he asked jokingly.

Cassie smiled. She remembered that movie and her interest was peaked.  "Yeah. This car is fantastic."  She looked around, wanting to see more.

Matthew motioned her over to another set of vehicles. "Let me show you something. Here's our olympic series models.   These models were all commissioned by the 2008 Beijing Olympic Committee. Our designers took their vision and came up with a beautiful Olympic series."

Cassie's eyes light up. "Wow, I never expected to see anything like this."  Each car was unique and detailed in it's own way. They were original works of art. "So, Volkswagen designers and artist created these?" she inquired.

Matthew confirmed, nodding his head. "Mm-hmm. We have some very talented, creative designers. It's amazing what they can do to a car with just a few sketches and some color." he explained.   "Almost everything you see here in the showroom is specially commissioned, custom crafted models. Custom commissioned automotive art design at it's finest." he added, looking around the showroom.  Volkswagen works with a number of celebrities, private organizations and clubs as well as professional athletes just to name a few.  A lot of our cars are special ordered and custom crafted by our designers for movie production sets, private manufacturers, you name it. The sky's the limit.  We've been around since 1937.  That's over seventy years of craftsmanship and expertise. We have a lot of loyal customers."

Cassie smiled. She couldn't believe her eyes. As an artist, she could tell a lot of thought and planning had gone into bringing these designs to life. Her interest was definitely peaked. Matthew was nice enough to share a little bit about the design process with her.  He even showed her a few original design sketch renderings.  They talked about the concepts, the designs, sketching, everything.  She asked about a career as an automotive art designer.   Matthew encouraged her to do her research but  ensured her that it was a very lucrative business. He explained that some of the commissions on the more upscale projects were very profitable and that their designers received top pay. He explained it for what it was, another art form. Only here, the canvas was sheet metal.   


Here Are The Pictures Cassie Took And Some Of The Sketch Renderings She  Saw. 

Cassie was overwhelmed with what she'd seen.  She took pictures of everything with her cell phone. The designers had out done themselves.  They'd taken a concept and brought it to life through a sketch.  Her thoughts went back to the time when she'd painted the huge life size picture of Charles's car on the peace wall.    She was an artist and she could appreciate what she'd seen.  The answer to her problem was right in front of her face.  An automotive art designer.  Why hadn't she thought of this before?   She could still study and appreciate art. She could still be an artist, only a different kind, working with a different canvas.  She didn't have to give up her dream.  She should have considered this sooner.  Maybe if this worked out like she hoped it would, she and Charles could go to school together and end up working in the same field.  She couldn't wait to get home. She had a lot of research and a ton of work to do.  She planned on talking with her art teacher first thing tomorrow.



Eddie walked up behind Cassie. He saw her taking pictures of some weird, kaleidoscope looking car. He dropped a set of keys in her hand. "Congratulations. Here are the keys to your car." he smiled.

Cassie hugged and kissed both him and Jenn. "Mom, dad, thank you so much."

Eddie stared at the colorful Beetle. "Cassie, promise me you'll never paint your car like this." he laughed.

Scene 13

Charles struggled with the car's front fender. Frustrated, he pulled it off for the second time. He'd gone back to work at Castillo's after he came back from his dads. He missed working with cars and he figured he needed the training.  Not to mention it looked good on his college applications.  He had mailed two of the four college applications his dad had given him, Colorado State University and Oklahoma State.  They were his top two choices.  He had filed away the Pratt application along with the others.  All he could do know was wait.



Emillio put away his tools and tidied up his station. He looked over and saw Charles still hard at work.  He and Charles were the only two working late. "See you later man." Emillio said.   "I'm out of here. It's getting late. How much longer do you plan on working?" he asked, watching Charles struggling with the fender.  He'd heard about Charles and Cassie's break up but Charles wasn't talking about it. Instead, he just worked long hours.  "You want some help?" he offered.

"No, I'm fine man. Why don't you go on home. I got a few things I want to get done tonight." Charles said.

Emillio walked over and leaned on the cars hood. He kicked the tires. "Man this is some car." he said, admiring the classic sixty four Chevy Impala. It belonged to Castillo's uncle and he didn't trust just any of his guys working on it. He knew Charles was one of his best workers. He looked at Charles and could tell he was frustrated. Normally, he would have had that fender attached in minutes. He was frustrated over Cassie and clearly wasn't concentrating. He didn't want to upset him but he brought up Cassie's name anyway. "So, ah..., I saw Cassie today."

Charles's chin lifted immediately at the mention of Cassie's name. He dropped the fender and stood up. "What?.., where, when?" he asked anxiously. "Was she with someone?" he asked, almost afraid to hear the answer.

"Yeah." Emillio said. "She was with...___" he started.

Charles didn't let him finish. "Who was it?  Do I know him?" Charles asked. His voice was hard and cold.

Emillio held one hand up trying to calm him down. "Dude, stop. Let me finish. She was with her parents. I went to pick up that part from the Chevy dealership Castillo ordered.  They were out there looking at cars. She didn't see me."

Charles blew a relieved breath.

Emillio couldn't hold it in any longer. He had an opinion so he just said it. "Look man, this thing between you and Cassie..., you guys just need to find a way to make things work. You've been here every evening working late hours.  Working yourself to death is not going to make you forget about Cassie. If it were me, and she was my girl, I wouldn't let a little thing like school keep us apart."

Charles tried to reason with him.  "Emillo, it's not that simple."

"I know it isn't." Emillio admitted. "I'm not knocking school, college.  I know how important it is. I'm just saying with all the colleges and universities, the two of you should be able to reach some sort of common ground."

Charles stared at the floor. "So you think I should just cave in and go to Pratt right?"

"No!, man..., that's not what I'm saying.  Don't put words in my mouth.  All I'm saying is there has got to be some kind of compromise.  And as for caving in, I wouldn't call doing what ever I had to do to keep my lady caving in." he mouthed.  "I'll see you tomorrow. Don't work to long."



Charles finally attached the fender and worked on the engine. It had stalled out earlier. He had worked on it for hours. Hopefully they had worked out all the kinks. He crossed his fingers, praying it would start. He climbed in and tried the engine. Great, all he got was a mild sputter and then it choked. He could barely get it to turn over.



Please stop and play the youtube audio track below before reading any further. Listen to the track as you read the remaining story to help invision the scene.  Thanks 

He was tired. He slouched back against the seat and sat there with one foot hanging outside the car door. He sat sprawled,  staring at himself in the rear view mirror.  He thought long and hard about what Emillio had said.  He was right.  This thing between him and Cassie was crazy. He had promised her he would help her find a car when the time came.  She had been so excited. It was all he could do to not think about her. Being here, at the garage, was the only relief he got.  If he sat alone in his apartment thinking about her every waking minute he would go crazy. He worked himself until he was weary and sore each night. Once he got home he would crash and fall asleep quickly.  He didn't want to lay awake thinking about her.

He wanted to make things right. He just didn't know how.  He and Cassie couldn't even look at each other. They stole glances at each other when they thought the other wasn't looking.  Every where he looked there were reminders of her. He'd turned her picture beside his bed face down last night. He had found her sweater hanging in his closet. He thought about her in his sleep.

School was a night mare. Every where he turned he heard her name. It hadn't even been two weeks since their break up and guys were already asking her out.  Every time one of them looked at her he wanted to kill them.

He rubbed his tired eyes. He had to get it together and figure out a way to work things out.   He asked himself over and over if he honestly thought he could live without Cassie for four years?  He thought about how things would be. He asked himself the same question she had asked him days ago. What if she found someone else?  He didn't kid himself. Cassie was a beautiful girl. If the guys here at Robelson High couldn't keep their eyes off of her, he could only imagine what a huge university would be like. He'd lose her for sure.

They were caught up in a no win situation. No matter how he looked at it, one of them would have to sacrifice something in order to be together. He didn't know what to do but he loved her and didn't want her to give up her dream of going to art school. He couldn't let her do that.  He didn't know what was going to happen between them and it was driving him crazy. 

Cassie was hurting. He saw it in her eyes every time he looked at her.  His baby was hurting and it was all his fault.  He felt like a jerk.  He would never forget how she'd jumped out of the car, running away from him. That moment replayed in his head over and over and it hurt like hell.  He pinched his nose and closed his eyes. He'd made a fine mess of things. A real mess.



Scene 14

Eddie rushed out the door for work. He turned back unexpectedly. "Oh, before I forget,  I invited Nate and Watkins over for dinner this weekend. Can you cook that chicken casserole Nate likes so much?" he asked Jenn.

Jenn agreed but seemed a little apprehensive. "Sure..., but you invited Watkins here?"

Eddie walked back into the house and closed the door. "Come on Jenn. I'm just trying to give the guy a hand. He's had a hard time but he's trying. I just want to help him regroup and live a normal life. I know he won't show up but at least I extended the offer."

Jenn fidgeted with her collar. "How's Nate?"

"Nate's fine." Eddie replied, sensing her uneasiness.   "Hey, what's wrong with you?  Did I say something?" he inquired. He tried to hug her but she put her hands up against his chest.

"Eddie, it's nothing. Stop imagining things. Now go, before you're late." she urged him out the door.

"Don't tell me you're worried about Nate and this thing with Dana being fired?"

Jenn leaned her head to one side. "Eddie..., I haven't seen Nate in person since Dana was fired. I just don't want him to think I'm going against his mother again. I don't want him to think I have some kind of secret vendetta against her." she sighed. "You know, we finally had this whole family quarrel triangle behind us.  Everything was going great before Dana went and ruined everything. She and I were getting along and Nate and I were finally developing a peaceful, sincere relationship. You remember the arguments Nate and I had over his mom." she reminded him.

Eddie wrapped her up in his arms. "Come on Jenn, you and Nate never argued. You may have exchanged a few heated words but I think the two of your are pass all that."

Jenn turned away and walked over to the sink. "Eddie, things are good and things peaceful.  I just want them to stay that way."

"Don't worry about it. It's just dinner." Eddie responded.  "I talked to Nate and Dana is fine. She and Jeron moved in with him. There going to stay there for a while. To be honest with you, I think maybe this is exactly what Dana needs. I think she's depended on mama Taylor as a crutch for too long and lord knows Jeron could use a little of Nate's guidance." He kissed her on the lips. "Stop worrying. I'm sure Nate's not holding any hard feelings. You gave Dana a chance and she messed it up. Just let it go." he smiled.

"Alright but just Nate. Please tell me Dana's not going to show up here with him." Jenn said.

Eddie stole a kiss. "Just Nate." he paused, "and maybe Jeron." he added.

"I'll make sure the chicken casserole is extra special." she promised.



Scene 15

Cassie couldn't wait for Charles to see her car.  She really wanted to share the good news with him. She had gotten up extra early and rushed over to his house only to be disappointed and find that he had already left. She also wanted to discuss her newfound love for automobile art. She'd stayed up half the night working on her sketches and drawings. The hours had slipped away quickly.  It was fun and she enjoyed it.   She wanted Charles to see that there was a solution to their problem. She had it all figured out in her head.



She tried tracking him down at his locker.  Unfortunately, she turned the corner and got an eyeful. He was standing there, oblivious to her presence, talking with Sage and Tracy from English class. Her spirits sank. She couldn't help but feel he was moving on with his life.  He didn't seem to be bothered or hurting by their separation at all. Had he forgotten about her so quickly?



At least she was able to share the good news with someone. Claire fell in love with the car. She smiled and jumped up and down.  "Wow! This is sweet. I'm so jealous of you right now. I love everything about it." she said, admiring the white and orange polka dot seat covers Cassie had installed. "It's so feminine. So ...girly.  It's so artsy.  So you!.  Oh my God, you have to get one of those personalized tags with your name on it. What did Charles think of it?" she asked.

Cassie hesitated. "He hasn't seen it." she said quickly.

"Cassie?" Claire called. "You still haven't talked to him have you?"

"I tried Claire." Cassie defended herself. "I went by his house early this morning and I tried to talk to him a few minutes ago." she defended herself.

Claire sat in the drivers seat admiring the interior.   Cassie walked around to the passenger side and sat. "Claire, I think I've really done it this time. What if Charles and I can't work things out?" she questioned nervously.

Claire hugged the steering wheel. "Cassie, you will. You're both just so strong headed and stubborn but everything will work out. Stop concentrating on the what if's.  Concentrate on what you do know. Think about what you're sure of. Charles loves you. It'll be okay." she assured. She rubbed her hands together with delight. "I've got an idea. What are you going to do about the senior dance?  Seriously, you have to go with him. Whatever you do, you  cannot let him show up there by himself, alone and single. Ask him to the senior dance and make up with him. You've got to let him know you've got this college thing all figured out."

Cassie pushed her hair back behind her ear. "Claire, don't you think I've tried?  Every chance I get, he's surrounded by women. Tracy Briggs, from English class,  she's infatuated with him. Someone told me she started a rumor that she slept with him." Cassie stated. The doubt was clear in her eyes.  "Claire, what am I going to do if things don't work out.  It feels like he's already forgotten me.  I can't lose him Claire."

Claire leaned back against the driver's seat. "Cassie, don't listen to those girls. You know they're just trying to get a rise out of you. Charles is great, caring, gorgeous and he's yours. They're just jealous and Tracy is nothing but a big liar.  Everybody knows she's always lying, always exaggerating."

"But what if she isn't?" Cassie contemplated.

Claire frowned.  "Cassie.  Stop it.  You know Charles would never cheat on you. Tracy's lying."

"She's a beautiful liar. She's gorgeous." Cassie added, sulking.

"Well, if you want the truth, I guess you're just going to have to talk to Charles and ask him yourself." Claire encouraged.

"What about you?  What are you going to do?" Cassie returned.

"About what?" Claire asked, fiddling with the radio.

"About David ." Cassie responded.  "I think you should let him meet your dad.  I'm sure he'll be impressed. You're going to the dance with him right?" Cassie asked.

"No, are you kidding me?." Claire asked, frowning. "My dad will lose it and he'll probably kill David."

"Have you seen him?" Cassie questioned.

"Not much. To tell you the truth, I've been trying to avoid him." she sighed.  "Cassie, I really thought David was the one.  He didn't have anything to do with his parent's mess.  He just got caught in the middle of a bad situation."

Cassie felt horrible for her. "Claire, you should tell your dad that. Maybe if you talk to him and explain he'll understand." Cassie reasoned.

Claire chuckled and shook her head. "Yeah, like he understood this morning. I asked him about going to the dance with David and all I got in return was a cold stare. I didn't get a yes. I didn't get a no. Not even a hell no." 

"Claire, I'm sure your dad knows David hasn't been charged with anything.  Maybe he's just being stubborn." Cassie replied.

Claire turned to her. "This is going to sound silly because I haven't known David that long but I really, really like him." she smiled. "Or should I say liked him, past tense?"

Cassie paused. The look on Claire's face was intense. "Claire, are you in love with him?" she asked.

Claire didn't answer. She avoided the question. She grabbed her things and jumped out of the car. "Let's just get to class."



Scene 16

Malik cornered Tay in the hallway. "Tay!" he called out wildly, rushing toward him. He grabbed Tay's arm pulling him down the hallway. He kept looking back. "Come on man. You got to go." he said quickly.

Tay jerked away from him. "Malik, what's wrong with you.  Get off me."  He didn't know what to think of Malik's behavior. Malik hadn't spoken to him since the day he'd caught him and Tina together. Every time he tried to reason with him he wouldn't listen. 

Malik gripped his arm again. "Man, if you want to live to see tomorrow, you'll come with me. You have to hide." Malik looked around fearfully.

"Malik, what are you talking about. Stop talking crazy." Tay yanked away for the second time.  "I got to get to class."

"Matt is looking for you fool." Malik finally bit out. "Come on.  Let's go hide in the library.  He's a dumb jock. He'll never look for us in the library."

Tay shrugged his shoulders. "Malik, calm down. Everything's cool. Tina broke up with Matt and besides, I ain't afraid of him."

"Yeah, that's because you're a fool. Tay, Tina and Matt didn't break up." He paused and thought for a minute. "Well, they did but now they're back together again.  You need to stay away from Tina."

Tay scoffed. "Oh..., I get it. You're telling me these lies because your jealous." Tay accused.

"What?!" Malik sounded off. "I'm trying to help you Tay."

"I saw Tina this morning. If your telling the truth, how come she didn't say anything?" Tay questioned.

Malik got in his face. "Because she's using you idiot!" he yelled. "You're just to stupid to see it you big dummy."

"What?!" Tay shouted. "Oh..., so now I'm stupid?   I'm smart enough to get a girl like Tina." he bragged, posturing.

"She's not your girl Tay." Malik replied. "Once she gets your connections and contacts with studio people and equipment technicians, she's gonna dump you. Only reason she's hangin out with you is cuz you sang with Trey and people are startin to notice you. I heard her talking about it Tay."

"You're lying." Tay growled.

Malik got in his face with their chests touching. "I ain't no liar but I do know a fool when I see one!" Malik sounded off. 

"Forget you Malik. I'm out of here." Tay said, turning on his heels and walking away.



Scene 17

Watkins sat in on his second counseling session this week. His therapist worked for the department and as much as he wanted to deny it, she'd helped him overcome a lot of the guilt he was carrying. Of course, the questions were hard and embarrassing at times but he'd promised Eddie and Claire he would get help. It wasn't easy baring your soul to a complete stranger. He stumbled and hesitated a few times when she questioned his relationship with Claire.  He couldn't deny his overbearing, possessive nature but he knew it wasn't something he could change over night. Just this morning Claire had approached him about going out with David and he hadn't known what to say so he hadn't said anything at all. Instead, he had stared at her. 

After interrogating David's parents and through further investigation, the department now knew David wasn't involved with his parent's crimes. That didn't necessarily mean he was a good kid. He still didn't know much about him.  It just cleared up any doubts he had of him being a criminal.  His therapist tried to help him see that his over protective nature toward Claire had nothing to do with the guys she dated but everything to do with his problems trusting people. His inability to trust and open up to anyone, including his daughter's friends.  He was honest with himself. She was right. This wasn't about David. Truth be told, David could have been any guy and he would have probably treated him the exact same way.  His counselor tried to make him see and understand his problems were fast becoming Claire's problems.   Claire has told him during their last argument she hated the person he had become and she missed and wanted her old dad back. He was going to do everything in his power to give her that. 



Scene 18 

Lizzie worked through lunch practicing her song for the senior dance. She sat up on stage together with Kayla, Shaunice and quite a few other chorus students rehearsing lines and quotes from different plays and various skits.  The chorus/drama class had many projects going on.  The contest winner had been posted this morning and she had been over joyed to see her name listed.  She and Tay had practiced non stop all week and she had decided on a classic R&B song. Tay helped her add her own details, they pumped up the base a little, slowed down the tracks and played with the lyrics.  Kayla and Shaunice both had strong voices and agreed to help with back up vocals. The final result was amazing.  It was tight.  Their efforts had paid off.  All she had to do now was practice until she was perfect. The dance was only two days away. 



Andrew walked onto the chorus stage with an apple and a drink.  Lizzie grimaced. She had specifically told him she would grab something as she practiced but he brought her something anyway. He gave her a quick kiss on the cheek but she didn't seem very happy to see him.   She knew some of the guys here didn't approve of her being with Andrew.  A lot of them refused to talk to her.  She was so tired of the snickering and the awkward glances. Earlier today, she'd found a derogatory note about Andrew sticking out of her locker. She didn't tell him about it. The word they had used to describe him was too degrading and racist to repeat.  She'd tossed it into a nearby trash can.  

This was her first relationship. It was suppose to be fun and exciting. She and Andrew had only been on one real date, if you could  call the arts festival a date. It wasn't suppose to be this hard.  She was too young for this.

Andrew felt insulted.  Lizzie had been acting a little strange for the past few days now. She was distant. Gone was her usual affectionate nature. In it's place was this stiff, shy, distant girl.  He could be wrong but he sometimes got the feeling Lizzie was ashamed of him. He wanted to be wrong but it was just a feeling he had lately.  She was different around her friends and classmates.  Their friendship had started out great but had recently changed.  He wasn't an idiot. Lizzie seemed uncomfortable whenever she kissed him, hugged him or held his hand in public.

He looked around the room and saw some of the students staring at him.  He watched Lizzie as she pretended to ignore their rampant stares but her eyes gave her away. "Lizzie, is everything okay?" he asked.

Lizzie looked around. "Yeah. Why?" She really hoped he hadn't caught on to what she was feeling.

Andrew pursed his lips, thinking. "No, I mean, is everything okay between us?" he clarified. The room grew quiet as a few people overheard his question and sat quietly waiting for Lizzie's response.

Lizzie paused.  Her eyes darted around the room before she responded. "We're fine.  Why wouldn't we be?" Lizzie answered, embarrassed that Andrew was putting her on the spot in front of so many people.  "Why do you ask?" she added.

Andrew shrugged. He was annoyed. "I don't know..., you just seem...I don't know...different."

Lizzie forced a smile. "I'm fine Andrew.  Listen, you don't have to wait on me." she said, hoping he would just go.

"I don't mind waiting." Andrew smiled. He wanted to walk her to her next class.

Lizzie winced. "Actually, I kind of wanted my performance to be a surprise." she said, hoping he'd take the hint and leave.

Andrew's mood changed.  He gave her a funny look. "Oh...okay. I guess I'll see you later then?" he questioned.

"Yeah sure." Lizzie replied. 



Scene 19

Cassie found a delightful surprise waiting for her at her locker. A beautiful bright red, single long stemmed rose taped to her locker door. She was so happy she could cry. "Charles." she whispered out loud to herself.  He was so sweet.  She felt a warm hand on her back. Expecting Charles, she turned with the rose in her hand but it wasn't him.  Ben Scofield, a guy from her art class, smiled down at her. He stood very close to her.   She braced her back against the locker to keep from brushing against him.

"Hi Cassie. I see you got my rose." he smiled.

She didn't know what to say. She barely knew his name and they only communicated in art class. He had taken her by surprise.  She stuttered. "B...B...Ben..., hi.   Ah..., I...I don't know what to say."

Ben leaned one hand against her locker, trapping her. "Say you'll go to the senior dance with me." he said softly.



Charles rushed over to Cassie's locker.  He had to talk to her.  He wanted to get everything out in the open and let her know that he still loved her and that they had to find some way to work things out.  He couldn't take much more of this.  He walked quickly.  He wanted to catch her before they went to class and catch her he most certainly did.  He caught her alright.  He caught her red handed with some guy.  She stood there holding a red rose, talking with him.  He stood back in the crowded hallway and watched her from afar. He couldn't believe it but there she was right in front of his eyes. He didn't hear it from anyone else.   He saw it with his own two eyes and it tore him up inside.  He was speechless.   They'd been separated a little over two weeks and here she was accepting flowers from some guy.  A part of him wanted to go over to her and demand an explanation but the other part said to walk away.   He turned on his heels and stormed off.   He couldn't stand there and watch her make a fool of him.  Maybe he'd been a fool to think they could work things out.  Evidently, she had things all figured out.



Cassie was so distracted by Ben's offer, she didn't notice Charles staring at them.  She didn't see him walk away. She still hadn't answered Ben's question.  She paused. The whole situation was totally uncomfortable and awkward.  "Ben,...I'm sorry but no, I can't go to the dance with you and I can't accept this." she said, pushing the rose into his hands.

Ben was disappointed. "It's because of Charles right?" he asked regrettably.

Cassie didn't answer him. She just nodded softly.



Scene 20              Days Later...     Backstage...The Senior Dance

Andrew waited with Lizzie before her performance. She was nervous and he wanted to support her. Unfortunately, he felt like a fifth wheel. She didn't really want him around.  She hardly paid any attention to him.   Each time he reached for her hand she found some excuse, some reason to pull away.  She was so cautious around people but she was a different person when they were alone. She was ashamed of him.  He was sure of it.  He gathered up his things.  If she didn't want him here there was no sense in him hanging around. He knew when he wasn't wanted. "I'm going to go." he said forcefully.

Lizzie feigned interest.  "Andrew, why?  I thought you were going to stay and watch my performance?"

"Lizzie..., please, stop it.  Stop pretending." he sneered.

"Andrew, what is it?  What are you talking about?"

"Please." he said.  She knew exactly what he was talking about. "Swallow your pride and get over yourself." He growled through his teeth. He stalked away, leaving her to think long and hard.

Lizzie called out behind him. "Andrew wait!" She yelled, but her call fell on deaf ears. She looked around and saw several students laughing. She felt awful. Great, she'd made Andrew feel like crap because of her silly hang ups.  She shouldn't be ashamed of him. She should be ashamed of herself. 



Scene 21

Cassie and Claire walked into the dance. The music was blaring, thumping.   They heard it outside the building as soon as they pulled up. Cassie went to get out of the car and Claire stopped her. "Wait, promise me regardless of what happens, regardless of who Charles is with, who he talks to, you'll have a good time tonight." Claire said.

Cassie smiled. She held out her hand to shake on it. "Deal, but only if you promise the same thing regarding David."

Claire grinned. "Cool. Come on. Let's go party."



Their pact lasted all of the five brief minutes it took them to walk from the car to the gymnasium.  Cassie scanned the room looking for Charles. Even though they weren't speaking she had to know if he was there. 

Claire spotted him first and tapped her on the shoulder.  "Back corner, right side." she said, nodding toward the spot.

Cassie couldn't see anything at first. There was a huge turnout at the dance and the room was crowded. Then, finally, she saw him.  He stood with David in the corner.   Once again, he was surrounded by a group of girls.  He looked up and caught her staring at him.   Her feet were glued to the spot. She couldn't move.  Charles looked so tall and handsome. His hair was freshly cut and he had her favorite ribbed shirt on. It hugged his torso.  His dog tag with her name on it hung against his chest.  She just wanted to stand there and look at him.  Their eyes locked for a few brief seconds before she lost her nerve and tore her eyes away. 

Claire urged her forward. "Come on. We can't stand here in the doorway all night." Claire said, trying to forget about the way David had winked at her when she came in.

It was all Cassie could do to walk across the room. She felt Charles's eyes on her the entire time.  She reached the wall, flattening her back against it, grateful for the support. 



Charles stared at Cassie.   She was so beautiful.  He'd stood in the corner, faithfully watching the door, waiting for her arrival.  He'd hoped she would come tonight and was elated to see she had come alone.    He couldn't take his eyes off of her and he wasn't the only guy following her across the room with his eyes.   He felt better knowing where she was.  He just wanted to keep an eye on her.  The last party they attended, Dean had manhandled her and he wanted to make sure no one tried anything like that tonight.



Cassie tried to stand back against the wall, away from the group of guys crowding her and Claire. She wasn't really in the mood but she forced herself to dance a few times.  A few of the guys were really touchy feely and it made her a little uncomfortable but she managed okay. A few of them approached her and started nice conversations.  She knew they were just trying to be friendly but she really wasn't interested.  All she really wanted to do was keep an eye on Charles. She wanted to know what he was doing? Who he danced with and who he talked to.  She was so preoccupied with him she couldn't truly focus on having a good time.  He was so handsome and confidant. She couldn't blame the girls for being drawn to him.   She glanced at Claire. She obviously wasn't faring much better.  She wasn't her usual bubbly self.  She put up a good front but the evidence was written all over her face.  She was miserable without David and seeing him here tonight surrounded by beautiful girls didn't help.



David nudged Charles. "Hey, you see what I see?" he asked, motioning across the room to several guys talking with Claire and Cassie.

Charles nodded. "Yeah" he choked out sourly.  Of course he'd seen. He'd stood there tonight and watched her being bombarded with dance requests. He watched her dance a few times and noticed a few guys getting a little to close.  He watched them ply her with punch.  He watched them advance on her.  He watched them trying to take his place. He saw and watched all of these events unfold and it truly made him see how wrong everything was. She shouldn't be dancing with them. She should be dancing in his arms.  He leaned over to David and spoke loudly over the blaring music. "Dude, I don't know about you but I've had just about all I can take.  This foolishness ends tonight." he said forcefully.

David agreed. "I know man. This is not cool. Not cool at all."  Charles's comment needed no clarification. He knew exactly what he meant and how he felt. He shared the same feelings. How in the world could they just stand by while two of the most gorgeous women in the room were swept away right under their noses.  Claire had pretty much avoided him like the plague ever since their conversation on her doorstep. She smiled and waved but he couldn't get a decent conversation out of her.  Now, here she was being blindsided by every jock on the football team.  He and Charles eyed one another suspiciously. David was the first to speak. "You thinking what I'm thinking." he asked.

Charles was more than ready. "Oh yeah." He replied, anxious to get it over with.

David grinned. "I'll take Cassie and you grab Claire.  That way they can't refuse." he explained. "We cool?" he confirmed.

Charles smiled. "Yeah, but just make sure you don't hold her to close." Charles joked.

David laughed. He and Charles shook hands and bumped shoulders.  "Man please. You just be sure to keep your hands off my princess."



Cassie and Claire didn't know what was going on. They stood with their backs turned talking when David and Charles rushed them, grabbing their hands, pulling them onto the dance floor.  Charles and David had came from out of nowhere and caught them completely off guard. Claire knew they were up to something. Why would Charles want to dance with her instead of his own girlfriend and why did David approach Cassie.

"Seriously!" Claire said to Charles as he pulled her onto the floor. "What the hell?" she smiled.

"Don't ask questions just dance with me please." he begged, trying to persuade her. He needed her help to make their plan work.

Claire laughed. "You sneaky devil. You're up to something." she said, dancing.


David dragged Cassie onto the floor ignoring her surprise and protest.   "David!, what are you doing? Cassie complained loudly.  "Shouldn't you be dancing with Claire." she mouthed, confused, eyeing Claire for answers.

David took her by the hand. "Cassie please..., just humor me. " he pleaded, holding his palms together in prayer fashion.

Cassie eyed him warily. "David, you're up to no good." she smirked, not buying his innocent act for a minute.


The whole situation was awkward and quite comical. There they were, the four of them, dancing together as friends instead of couples.  Cassie was a little uncomfortable. She had a sneaking suspicion David was planning something, something involving her and Charles and she was waiting for the ball to drop.  She and David danced right next to Charles and Claire.  Charles was so close she could reach out and touch him if she wanted.  At such close range, she had trouble avoiding his eyes.  She really wished David hadn't asked her to dance. Charles kept looking at her.   She couldn't escape his gaze.  Finally, the song came to an end and the music stopped. "Thank goodness." she breathed quietly, relieved. 



Everyone stood rooted to their spots on the dance floor as the announcer rushed onto stage and welcomed Lizzie for her solo performance.  Lizzie walked onto the stage and the crowd applauded. Cassie was so proud of her. She knew Lizzie had been practicing non stop for this performance. She had worked really hard.


Lizzie grabbed the microphone and blew out a nervous breath. She saw Andrew in the crowd and smiled. He was upset with her but somehow having him there, seeing his face in the crowd, took away her fear, her nervousness.  She glanced back at the DJ and the sound technician to make sure they were ready and on cue.  Shaunice and Kayla gave her a gentle nod confirming back up vocals.  She swallowed hard and spoke into the microphone. "Ah..., I want to dedicate this song to my boyfriend Andrew...Andrew Gonzales." she added, pronouncing his Hispanic last name clearly and precisely, making no mistake of who she was referring to.  Everyone smiled and clapped as Andrew pushed his way forward through the crowd as Lizzie began to sing.   

LIZZIE'S solo performance song.  Listen to the track as you read the remaining dance scene to help invision the scene.  Thanks  

Cassie started to walk off the floor but David caught her wrist. "Hold on." he said. 

Claire tried to pull away from Charles but he held her hand tight. "Charles, you can let go now." She glanced at Cassie. "Come on Cassie. Let's go."

Charles nodded, giving David the signal.

"What do you say we switch partners on this one man?" David asked, swapping places with Charles, taking Claire's hand.

Claire couldn't help but chuckle and blush. She went into David's arms quickly and willingly. She knew they had been up to something.  She thought it was kind of cute.  She was flattered.

Charles and Cassie were a little less anxious. They stood staring at each other as Lizzie's voice surrounded them.  At that moment, time lapsed into slow motion.  Cassie stood speechless and numb.  Charles stared at her as everyone watched. His eyes traveled over her body.  His look was bold and possessive.  He wasn't touching her but it felt like his hands were all over her.  He made sure everyone in the room knew she was his.

Cassie waited for him to do something. She waited for him to take her into his arms. Seconds ticked by and nothing happened. She felt like a fool and turned to leave but Charles reacted quickly, forcing his feet to cover the distance between them.  He refused to let her walk away again.  He caught her hand and cut a path through the crowd, slowly guiding her along with him.  Cassie couldn't resist. She followed him, ignoring the couples gawking at them. She let him lead her and stared at his back. 

Charles pulled her into his arms and she nearly died from the familiar feel of his warm body. Her heart throbbed. Everything she had intended to say, every word she had rehearsed for this moment faded.  She was so completely overwhelmed with emotion, so happy to finally have him hold her again, she trembled.

Charles felt her trembling and pulled her closer, cocooning her in his arms, comforting her.  "Baby, you're shaking."  He looked at her with concern. He saw the pulse at the base of her throat flutter.  They stood holding each other, barely moving to the music.  He looked into her eyes. He stroked her face with his hand and pressed his fore head against hers.   She was so precious to him.  Just being able to hold her and touch her again seemed new and exciting.   "I have been the biggest fool. I'm an idiot. This argument, this thing between us, it ends right here.  It ends tonight." he said with a pained expression.  "No more running away,  no more avoiding each other, no more fighting.  It stops here.  I love you and I'll do what ever I have to do to keep you in my life. I'm so sorry baby." He kissed her fore head.

Cassie was completely overcome with emotion. She pressed her head against his chest and held him tight. She held on to him with all her might, afraid to let him go.  She breathed deeply.  Finally, she could breath and release three weeks worth of pent up frustration, anger, doubt and hurt. She was so happy she could cry.  

Charles forced her head up. "Cassie, I know I hurt you but I need you to tell me you're okay. Tell me I'm not too late and I haven't completely messed things up for us." He urged her.  "Just tell me I haven't lost you."  He wrapped her hand in his and held it against his heart. "Tell me you'll forgive me."

Cassie answered him without words. She raised up on her toes and kissed his cheek.  She was so emotional and choked up she could barely talk. She smiled and whispered hoarsely.  "I love you Charles.  I love you so much.  I hate when we fight. I thought you'd forgotten about me."   

Charles pressed his face against hers. "No. I could never forget about you." he answered, rubbing her back.  "I love you and I need you.  I don't want to lose you. I can't lose you." he stressed.  "These past few weeks have been hell but it's okay baby.  I know how we can make this work." he informed her.

Cassie pulled away. She shook her head. She was so happy. "Charles, we don't have to be apart. I've got it all figured out.  Come with me." she said, grabbing his hand, leading him off the dance floor. "I have to show you something."

Charles grinned. "So do I.  I really need to show you something.



David couldn't wait to wrap Claire in his arms. "Look, I know what you said about your father and I want to respect you and obey his wishes but I want to see him, talk to him." he said softly.  He whispered in her ear. "Claire, you have to let me talk to him. I'm not afraid to take a chance.  If he says no, then I'll convince him to say yes.  You have to let me do this Claire. Just give me a chance to convince him I'm a good guy. Let me prove myself. We won't know unless we try. I'm not afraid to face your father."

Claire studied him. "You're either very persuasive or crazy to want to face my dad. You're not going to take no for an answer are you?" she asked.

David smiled. "No, I won't. I missed you and I think it's foolish for us to give up without trying." he said softly.

Claire hung on to him and held him tightly. "I missed you to." She pulled back and looked into his eyes. "David, I have to tell you something." she said.

"What?" he asked, sensing her hesitation. "Claire what is it? he repeated nervously. He braced for her response. He sensed more bad news.

Claire wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled his head down. "I"m think I'm falling in love with you David Gibbs." She wasn't sure what his response would be. She was nervous. She pressed her face against his neck as they danced.

For a long time, David didn't say anything. He paused.

Claire's body tensed and she started to pull away, nervous that she had revealed to much too soon but David wouldn't let go. He held on to her. He whispered in her ear.  "I think I've already fallen."



Scene 21

Cassie pulled Charles along behind her. She was so excited and had so much to share with him.  She had her car, her drawings and her sketches.  She couldn't wait for him to see.  "Come on." she smiled, rushing.

Charles pulled on her hand, slowing her down. "Hey, slow down." he laughed, following her outside to her car.  She led him to a copper/orange Volkswagen Beetle. Judging from the size of her smile he knew it must be hers. "Yours?" he asked, smiling.

"Yes!" Cassie smiled, running around to unlock the door. "Get in."

Charles climbed into the passenger seat. He glanced over at Cassie. She had a huge smile on her face. "This is great." he said. He was so happy for her. She'd finally gotten her car. "It really suits you. You look adorable in it." he complimented.

"What do you think? Do you like it?" she asked, seeking his approval.

Charles caught her hand in his.  "Of course I like it. It's you. It fits you. It's bright, cheerful, fun and bubbly." he said, teasing her.  "It's a great car."

Cassie looked away suddenly. "I wanted you to be there with me when I picked it out but...." Her voice trailed off.

"But, I was busy being a jerk." He finished for her.  He caressed her hair away from her face. "I'm sorry I missed it but let's just focus on right now okay?"

Cassie agreed. "Okay.  Oh, I almost forgot.  I want to show you something and I want you to give me your honest opinion."

"Sure." Charles replied.

Cassie reached in the backseat and pulled out her sketch pad. She flipped through the pages and placed the pad in his lap.

Charles was impressed by what he saw.  It was a complete mock up.  A detailed rendering of a mini sport utility vehicle.  The sketches were beautiful.  He was impressed with the designer's scaling, their gradient and lighting techniques were spot on and they had deliberately distorted the perspective giving a slightly animated appearance.   It was beautiful work. "Wow." he whispered in awe, flipping through the pages. "Who did this?  It's really good work."

Cassie chuckled, embarrassed by Charles's praise. "You're looking at her Charles. I'm the artist. These are my sketches."

Charles's eyes widened. "Are you serious?"

Cassie laughed. "Yes Charles.  This is what I wanted to show you. You really think they're good?"

"Cassie, these are extremely detailed renderings.  I've never seen you do anything like this.  These are amazing." He confirmed, speaking without looking at her. He was totally engrossed in the sketches.

Cassie grew quiet. "Amazing enough for auto design school?" she asked timidly.

Charles smiled.  "Of course. I mean..., you're renderings are really professio..." He caught himself and paused. It suddenly occurred to him where she was going with her idea.  He closed the sketch pad.  "Wait..., Cassie, what are you doing?" He knew the answer to the question before he even asked it.

Cassie's lips flattened. Suddenly her fantastic idea didn't seem so great anymore. Charles was disappointed. She reached for his hand. "Charles please. I can do it.  I know I can. We can be together, go to the same school and I still get to study art."

Charles squeezed her palm tight. He leaned in with his face very close to hers. He wanted her undivided attention. He wanted her to know how much he was completely against her idea. "Cassie, I know you can.  I'm not doubting you. I know how talented you are.  I know you can do it but I don't want you to. I won't let you." he argued.   "You're sacrificing everything you've dreamed about to be with me and I can't let you do it. I'm sorry."

"Charles I'm not sacrificing anything." Cassie exclaimed.  "I'm fighting for us to be together.  I can do this and have the best of both worlds.  Charles, I can't let you leave me." she said sadly.

Charles breathed heavily. "Cassie, what do you know about cars?  I could barely get you to come out to Castillo's garage.  You hated it." he reminded her.

"Charles, this is different and I wouldn't be involved with the mechanics, the engineering side.  I'm talking about designing and styling, visual artistry.  Charles, automotive art and design, it's just another art form. It's what I do.  I'm an artist.  I'm talking about the ideas, the concepts, the artists behind the designs.   Charles I really want to do this.  I thought you'd be happy for us. I guess I was wrong."

Charles looked at her.  "Cassie..., it sounds great.  It's a great idea but what if you do this and decide you dont' like it?" he questioned, forcing her to think about her decision.  "I'm flattered that you want to give up so much for me and I want us to be together but not like this." he offered as explanation.  "Baby, I don't want you to give up your dream just so I can have mine." 

"Charles, I can major in art and minor in automotive design. If I don't like it I won't be losing anything. I'll still have my art to fall back on.  It's a good idea Charles.  You know it is. It's practical and it makes sense.  If everything works out, we could end up working in the same field. Will you at least consider it?  Please?" she begged softly.

Charles smiled softly. He kissed her on the nose.  "Alright, I will but not until you see what I have to show you.  If you still feel the same way, then I promise you we'll give it a try.  We'll do it your way."

Cassie smiled. Finally, they were getting somewhere.  "Okay, what is it." 

Charles got out of the car. "Follow me to my apartment.  I want you to see this before you make a decision." he said. 


Here Are Cassie's Sketch Renderings 


Scene 22

Cassie stood in Charles's family room watching him wade through papers. He turned to her with folded sheets of paper in his hands. He handed them to her.

"What is this?" Cassie frowned.

Charles stood before her.  "Open it." he insisted, watching her with blank eyes.

She unfolded the papers. She gasped and put her hand over her mouth.  It was a copy of his Pratt application, all filled out, completed and signed.  She looked at him with wide eyes. She had so many questions. "Charles!?"

"I mailed it two days ago.  I finally came to my senses and realized you're the most important thing in the world to me. If I have to go to Pratt and follow you to New york then that's what I'll do."

Cassie stammered. "Charles..., wh...what about Colorado State?" She couldn't believe he was willing to give up it. His decision to go to Colorado had sounded so final.

He shrugged. "I only sent in two other applications, Colorado and Oklahoma State but none of that matters now."

Cassie teared up. She couldn't believe he was willing to give up his passion to be with her. "Now who's guilty of making sacrifices?" she said softly, her voice cracking. "Charles, Pratt is an art institute.  You can't study automobile engineering there."

Charles pulled her close.  "I don't care." he said honestly. "I don't care about anything else right now. I just know we have to be together and it's not a sacrifice as long as I'm with you in the end.  I'll do whatever it takes. I mean it."

"But Charles what about your dad?  You can't just forget about your love for cars. You'll disappoint him." she said.

"He'll be disappointed but hopefully he'll understand and if your asking me if I'm willing to put you ahead of school or anything else, the answer is yes. Definitely." he stated positively.   

Cassie dropped her head and thought about everything that had happened tonight, everything she'd heard.

Charles caressed her head. "Say something.  What happens now?  We have to make a decision." 

Cassie didn't have to think long. She couldn't do it. She couldn't ask him to give up his passion. Charles was gifted and talented. "No. It's not fair Charles.  It's not fair and I won't ask you to do it.  I should have never asked in the first place.  I think we should do this my way.  It'll work out better for both of us."

Charles stared into her eyes. "Cassie are you sure?  I want you to be sure."

She squeezed his hand. "I'm positive Charles. I want to apply to Colorado and Oklahoma State.  Wherever you go is where I want to be."

Charles smothered her last words, kissing her.  He didn't need to hear another word.  She'd just made him the happiest man alive.  "I love you so much." he said breathed.   "I don't deserve you." he whispered roughly.  He wrapped his arms around her waist and lifted her off the floor, spinning her around."  His lips grazed hers. "Don't ever leave me again. I thought about you every day. I lost sleep worrying about you and I think I made an enemy of just about every guy in school. 

Cassie went numb. Her thoughts immediately went to Tracy with his mention of school and students. She was reminded of the awful rumor being spread around school. 

Charles wrapped her up in his arms but she placed both her hands against his chest, stopping him. She didn't want to spoil such a precious moment but she had to ask him.   

Charles leaned in and nibbled on her lips. She turned away, avoiding his kiss, hiding her face.  It didn't slow him down. He nuzzled her neck. "I missed you so much." he admitted. "Your all I could think about."

Cassie faltered. She wanted nothing more than to be with him, touch him but first she had to know the truth.  She had to hear it from him. She couldn't bear the thought of him being with someone else.  "Charles...wait...there's something I need to know."

He ignored her and proceeded to touch her and rain kisses all over her face.

Cassie grabbed his wrist, trying to capture his attention.

"Charles please." she said sadly, turning her face away. 

He caught her face between his hands, holding her face still for his kisses.  "What, what is it?" he asked softly between kisses, growing impatient.  

Cassie grabbed both his wrist this time, pulling his hands away from her face. "Did you sleep with her?"she asked quietly.

Charles stopped abruptly. He looked at her curiously.  Cassie tried to avoid his gaze but he wouldn't let her. He pulled her face around, forcing her to look him in the eye. "No. Don't turn away from me.  What are you talking about? he whispered against her mouth.

Cassie leaned her head to the side. She stared up into his face. "Tracy.  Did you?" she repeated, pleading for the truth.

Charles looked at her in shock. He wrapped one arm around her waist and held her steady. "Are you serious?" he smiled faintly, assuring himself she was joking.

Cassie pushed at his chest. "Charles..., I mean it." she said forcefully, finally getting through to him.

Charles pulled her close, smoothing her back with his hands. He read her face and saw the hurt in her eyes. "Hey, come here. Your serious." he acknowledged slowly.  "You are aren't you?" he asked incredibly.  He tried to kiss her and she tightened her lips, refusing.  He nodded his head slowly, finally understanding what he was being accused of.   "What..., you think I'm sleeping with her?   Is that it?" he whispered inconceivably.  He planted a soft kiss on her lips.  "Is that what your asking me?" 

She nodded silently, waiting for an answer.

Charles released a frustrated sigh. He swore under his breath. They had solved one huge problem and here he was faced with another.  He enveloped her in his arms.  "Baby, how can you ask me that?  Of course I didn't." he promised. He kissed her neck and felt her stiffen in his arms.  He felt the tension in her back and saw the smallest flicker of doubt in her eyes.   He dropped his head, leveling his face with hers.  "What's this?" he questioned her resistance.  "You're not going to respond to me?" he whispered, tracing her lips with his finger.   "Are you telling me you don't want me to touch you, kiss you?   You don't want me to make love to you?" he asked regrettably.     

Cassie hesitated and stared at him with questioning eyes. "She said..."

Charles cut her off.  "I don't give a damn what she said." he whispered, caressing her jaw with his hand.  He adjusted his hold on her waist and tried to hold her against him but she strained away.  He forced her against him, ignoring her objection and kissed the corners of her mouth.  "She's lying. I never touched her."   He should have known something like this would happen. He thought back to the few brief conversations he had with Tracy.  She'd made it very obvious she was interested in him but he'd turned her down and hadn't given it much thought after that. 

"Do you think I could be with you, touching you, kissing you, holding you and then turn around and be with someone else?" he asked disappointingly.  "Baby..., do you really think I'd do that to you?   I love you.  I would never cheat on you." 



Scene 23                      !!This Scene Contains Adult Content.  Reader Discretion Is Advised!! 

Please stop and play the audio track below before reading any further. Listen to the track as you read the remaining story to help invision the scene.  Thanks 

He trailed his finger down her stomach. "Everything I need and want is standing right here before me." he stated, taking away all her doubts. "What do I have to do to make you believe me, trust me?" He asked, his voice husky.

Cassie squeezed his hand. "I do trust you Charles."

He kissed her cheek. "It didn't happen." he stressed slowly, kissing her,  coaxing her mouth into submission.  Cassie relented.  She couldn't resist him any longer. She opened her mouth and he delved deeper.

She tugged at his shirt, still caught in his waistband. Charles reached down and blindly unfastened his belt. His mouth never left hers.  She pulled his shirt free and over his head. They kissed for a long time.  They fed on each other, making up for lost time.  Charles gathered the hem of her skirt in his hands, drawing the fabric up, bunching it around her waist.

Cassie gasped as he lifted her, wrapping her legs around his waist.  He held her and walked with her to his bedroom.

He stood holding her in his bedroom.  It had been so long since he had held her, touched her. "I've been waiting three weeks for this." he growled, his voice husky and heavy.  He sat on the edge of the bed with her. "I want you so much." he breathed.  His eyes were dark and his hands touched her everywhere.  He couldn't get over how beautiful she was sitting astride him.  He unbuttoned her shirt and she helped him.  He smiled when their fingers collided in haste.  His hands spanned her narrow rib cage and waist.  He kissed her temple.  "You're so small." 

He pressed her back against the bed and lay against her.

Cassie called out softly. "Charles."  She couldn't help but whisper his name involuntarily.  He was so muscular, so big and warm.  She enjoyed the familiar feel of his body against hers.

Charles trailed kisses along her jaw line. His head lifted with the call of his name. "What?..., Are you okay?" he asked, mistaking her quiet whisper.   "Am I too heavy for you?" he asked, raising up on his fore arms, easing the weight of his body. 

"No!" Cassie whined, wrapping her arms around his huge shoulders, forcing him back down, accepting the weight of his body.  She moaned long and slow as his body settled. "You're not to heavy.  Just hold me.  Please.  Just hold me." 

Charles took his time with her.  He was patient. He was as thorough as he was gentle.  He pulled away from her and reached over into the night table.  Cassie gripped his arms, holding him against her.   Charles planted a quick kiss on her lips. He smiled.  "Baby..., wait...easy...,hold on, we have to be careful.  I know your on the pill but I don't want to be careless." he sighed, bending to kiss her. 

Cassie smiled and raised her head from the pillow, meeting his mouth, ready for his kiss.  He eased her out of the rest of her clothing and whispered in her ear.  He told her how beautiful she was, how much he wanted her and what he wanted to do to her."  He was extremely loving and possessive all at the same time, telling her she was his, telling her she was his baby.   He whispered that she belonged to him.

Cassie could do nothing but cling to him as he fulfilled every delightful promise he had just whispered in her ear.  He was right. She belonged to him.  They belonged together.



Scene 24

David and Claire sat in the car outside her house after the dance. They had been sitting outside talking for a while now.  Claire was stalling. She wan't sure about facing her dad with David.

"So, what happened with your parents?" she asked timidly, staring through the window up at the house. The lights were off but she knew her dad probably wasn't asleep.

David stared at her and scratched his head.  He knew she was nervous and scared because she kept asking him the same questions over and over.  She clearly wasn't listening.   He humored her and repeated himself, only this time, giving her the short version. "Melinda got eight months and my dad is serving six.  By the time his lawyers get done, they probably won't even serve half of that.  Besides, like I said, they're both upstate in some cushy low risk offenders facility. They have private rooms, cable television and good food. Things could have turned out a lot worse." he explained, rubbing his face.  "Claire look, we've been all through this.  We can't stall and sit out here all night.  You've asked me the same three questions twice. It's going to be okay. Stop worrying." he said, trying to assure her.  

Claire glanced at him and breathed out nervously. "Are you sure you want to do this?" she asked.  "You don't have to.  I'm scared." she admitted.  She was so nervous.  She started rambling.  "I don't know what kind of mood he's in or what he'll say.  I left with Cassie and he's expecting her to bring me home.  We should do this another time.  Let's do it tomorrow."

David caught her hand in his.  He threw his head back laughing.  He didn't mean to laugh but he'd never seen her this nervous. She was normally so strong willed, so independent. Seeing her this way was a humbling experience.

"I'm glad you think this is so funny David." Claire muttered, outraged by his easy going attitude.

David rubbed her palm with his thumb. He sat up straight with one arm around the steering wheel. "I'm sorry boo." he said, smirking, trying to hold back his laughter.  He couldn't hold it in. He turned his head toward the window so he could laugh.

Claire punched him playfully in the back.  She grinned and pulled his ear.  Now he was making her laugh.

David turned quickly, choking back his laughter.  "Ouch! come on..., stop it.  Stop worrying about it. You're hyperventilating.  We need to do this now.  Not tomorrow.  Tomorrow will turn it to next week and next week will turn into next month.  I don't want to put it off. Let's just get it over with.  I want to meet your father tonight." he grinned.

"It's not funny." Claire laughed. 

David leaned over with his face close to hers.  He gave her a quick kiss on the lips.  "If it's not funny why are you laughing?"

Claire burst out laughing and tried to turn her face away.  "I hate you." she said jokingly.

David turned her face around. His voice dropped to a husky, serious tone and his eyes focused on hers.  His eyes traveled down her body. "Really?..., cause I seem to recall a certain leggy, statuesque, beautiful girl telling me she loved me." he said, flashing his beautiful smile.

Claire blushed.  " remember saying I was falling."  She stressed the word falling.  "See...I haven't completely fallen...unlike this particular someone I know." she teased, throwing his words back at him.  He'd confessed earlier that he had fallen in love with her.


David was enjoying himself.  He loved being with Claire, talking with her, laughing with her.  He looked at her with an amused look on his face.  "Oh...someone huh?" he teased.   "So...this someone is just some random guy you met?"

Claire laughed.  She felt David's breath on her lips as studied her face. 

"So..., are you saying you haven't completely fallen for this guy?" he asked sarcastically, smiling.

Claire shook her head slowly. "Nope. Can't say that I have." she tried to say convincingly, chuckling the whole time.

David shot her a confidant look.  He leaned in and brought her face down to his. He licked his lips.  "Don't worry.  You will."  He kissed her, smothering her laughter.  Claire could do nothing but hold on to him. He turned his head, taking complete control of the kiss. 

Claire moaned helplessly.  "Mmm...David."

David pulled away briefly, staring at her lips. "Wow, so this someone..., this guy..., his name is David huh?" he whispered, leaning in for another long kiss.  The moment was heated.  The windows were fogging.  Claire clung to him like a vine.  He tried to end the kiss several times but she whimpered each time, pulling him back for more.



Someone tapped on the passenger side window.  David pulled back abruptly. He silenced Claire.  She was completely lost in the moment and hadn't heard a thing.  "Shh.  Someone's out there." he said, trying to peer through the foggy window. He started to get out of the car when someone shined a flashlight through the window.  David couldn't believe it. Now he was angry.  "What the hell?" he spat.  He looked at Claire.  "Stay in the car." he demanded, reaching for the door latch. 

Claire stopped him. "No!" she whispered.  "Oh my God.  David I think it's my dad." she whispered, afraid.  She had a sinking feeling in her gut. Her dad was ruining her life. She smoothed her hair quickly and tried to check her face in the mirror. 


"Claire!?"  Watkins yelled out, tapping on the window with his flashlight.  He tried to look into the window but he couldn't see. The windows had a dark tint and they were foggy from the cool night air.

David looked at her.  "Claire, we're not doing anything wrong. Let's just go talk to him. That's why I'm here right?" he whispered quickly.  They had to get out of the car. Claire's dad was tapping on the window like a mad man, trying to peep in through the fogged up windows.

"Claire!, open this door!" Watkins yelled.

Claire covered her face with her hands.  "Oh my God!  I can't believe this." she breathed.  

David grabbed her hands, pulling them away from her face.  "Claire, calm down.  We have to get out of the car.  We can't hide in here. Come on."

She searched his face and gasped. "Wait!, your face.  Your mouth!" she exclaimed sharply, noticing her lipstick all over his mouth, his chin.  She tried to rub the stains away with her fingers.  David leaned over, yanking open the tiny, crammed glove compartment, spilling it's contents everywhere.  He and Claire searched frantically, searching for a napkin, a tissue, anything they could find.  

"Hurry!" Claire whispered sharply, helping him.  She came across a shiny coin sized wrapper.  She shot David a furious, callous look. "Seriously!..., you crammed this thing full of condoms but you don't have not one single tissue?" she asked angrily, holding the condom up between her fingers.   "Wow!, someone sure is confident.  Do I look that easy to you?" she mouthed, upset over what she'd found.

David snatched the condom from her fingers and shoved it into his pockets. He whispered furiously.  "Claire, those things have been in there forever. They're old."

Claire scoffed.  She was annoyed, not to mention scared. Her eyebrows shot up in dismay. "Really...exactly how long is forever?" she asked bluntly.

David threw everything back into the glove compartment and resorted to wiping his mouth with his palms.  It was dark and he could barely see. He peered into the rear view mirror, checking to see if he had wiped away all evidence. 

"Well?" Claire asked, waiting.

David adjusted his clothes and checked his face one last time.  He was ready to face Claire's father.  He looked at her, holding out his hands.  "Well what?" he whispered, confused.

Claire's eyes widened. "Hello!....Exactly how long have you had those condoms?" Claire repeated.

David's eyebrows shot up. He couldn't believe she was arguing about this now. "Are you serious?" he asked incredibly.  "Claire, can we please argue about this later, at a better time?" he whispered unbelievably.  "We have more important things to worry about right now." he established, pointing towards the window.  The tapping and the yelling grew louder and louder.  They could hear him outside trying the door latch.  Thankfully, the doors were locked.

Claire crossed her arms defiantly. "When is a better time?"

David stared at her with his eyes widened.  "I don't know Claire." he said sarcastically.    "Ah..., maybe sometime when your dad's not trying to kick my door in." he growled impatiently through his teeth.

"Okay..., okay." Claire agreed, pulling herself together.   She breathed deeply.   "Just... let me put my window down but don't say anything.  Let me talk to him first. " she said calmly, containing herself.  



The window went down slowly, revealing Watkins's angry face inch by inch. Claire wanted to die.   "Hi dad." she smiled convincingly.

Watkins peered into the car. He didn't say anything. He stared at them and shined his blaring flashlight in their faces and throughout the car.

Claire winced and turned her eyes away from the blinding light. "Dad, do you mind?" she complained.  "This isn't one of your traffic stops. Please stop.  You're embarrassing me." she pleaded. 

Watkins shined the flash light on the floor boards and shot her a penetrating look. "Open the door." he said forcefully.

Claire resisted, pleading.  "Dad please.  Don't get upset. We're not doing anything wrong. We're just sitting here. We were coming to talk to you."

"Open the door Claire." Watkins repeated.

She turned to David with regret in her eyes. This is what she'd been trying to tell him.  There was no compromising with her dad. Usually, he only saw things one way.

David nodded his head. "Claire, do what your father says.  Just open it. We don't have anything to hide."

Claire opened the door slowly.

Watkins leaned down on his haunches and picked up a condom from the floor board. He held it between his fingers and shined his flash light on it.

Claire and David both looked at each other and let their heads fall back against the headrest in defeat.

"Unbelievable." David muttered, shaking his head.  So much for cramming everything back into the glove compartment.



Scene 25

Andrew found Lizzie backstage after her performance. He still couldn't believe she had dedicated her song to him. He felt guilty for yelling at her earlier.  He approached her from behind and touched her on her shoulder. "Hey." he smiled.

Lizzie turned. "Andrew...hey." she said shyly. "I'm so sorry.  Please forgive me." she blurted.

Andrew pulled her aside to a quiet corner.  "I'm sorry I yelled at you but I just felt like you were...__."

"Ashamed of you." Lizzie finished.  It was time she told him what she was feeling.  She knew the longer they dated, the closer they became, things would probably worsen.  A lot of people weren't ready to accept her and Andrew's relationship.  She hated the discouraging looks they sent her. She disliked the racist notes being left on her locker and she despised the way some people looked at them when they were together.   The only thing that helped was she knew she wasn't the first person to date outside of her race.  Her sister was engaged, practically married to Charles.  If everyone else could find a way to make it work, surely she could do the same.    She rubbed her hands, thinking about what she wanted to say.  "Andrew, people have been giving me a hard time about dating you.  I tried to ignore it at first but then I couldn't anymore.  A lot of my old friends won't talk to me."

Andrew stared at her.  "That's not what I asked you Lizzie. Just give me a straight yes or know answer.  I want to know if your ashamed of me?  Are you embarrassed to be seen with me?  If you are I need you to be honest and tell me the truth."

Lizzie held his hand. "Andrew...No!  I just dedicated a love song to you in front of the entire school?  Would I do that if I was ashamed of you?  

Andrew shrugged.  "I don't know. Maybe you just felt guilty." Andrew said.

Lizzie agreed.  "I did. I felt guilty.  I was guilty." she accepted.

Andrew started to walk away. He'd heard all he needed to hear. His face was saddened. "Okay. At least you answered honestly."

Lizzie grabbed his arm. "Andrew wait. You're not listening to me. No, I didn't answer anything. I said I was guilty and I am but I'm not ashamed of you.  I felt guilty for avoiding you and making you feel unwanted.  I'm sorry Andrew but this is hard for me. I've never had to deal with anything like this before.  I don't see anything but your face and your personality when I look at you.  I don't care about your color or your race but a lot of people do and they made me feel awkward, like I was doing something wrong.  Can you just be patient with me?  Please." she begged.  This is all new to me.  Everything..., you, dating, dealing with this racism.  I didn't mean to hurt you.  I just didn't know how to deal with it." she explained, trying to find the right words.  "Will you please forgive me?"

Andrew looked around. He noticed people staring and whispering.  "Lizzie, it's only going to get worst. They're still going to talk and whisper.  They're still going to point and laugh.  You're going to lose a lot of friends."

"Then I guess that means they weren't my friends to begin with." Lizzie decided.  "Cassie's right.  If I want to be with you I have to learn to ignore people and do what's best for me."

"Are you sure you're ready for this?" Andrew asked. Lizzie obviously had no idea what she was getting into.  He knew from experience that people could be very, very cruel.

Lizzie smiled. She gathered her things and put her arm around his waist. "Of course I am." she confirmed.  "Come on. It's still early yet.  Why don't we go to my house and watch some movies?"

Andrew agreed, grinning.   He wrapped his arm around her shoulder and they walked holding each other.  "Sure, but I get to pick the movie."



Please stop and play the audio track below before reading any further. Listen to the track as you read the remaining story to help invision the scene.  Thanks 


 Scene 26

Charles stirred.  He woke to find Cassie sleeping peacefully on top of him, her face buried in the corner between his neck and shoulder.  Her soft body molded to his.  She had snuggled closer and closer throughout the night.  She hadn't been able to get close enough to him.  Eventually, he had pulled her on top of him, silencing her restlessness altogether.

He lay in the dark with his eyes open, thinking, wishing he could hold her like this all night long.  He caressed her naked back softly, trying not to wake her.  She was so soft.  She looked so content, so innocent. He placed a soft kiss on her fore head.

Cassie stirred and murmured drowsily in her sleep.  Her fore head creased.

"Go back to sleep baby." he whispered, stroking her hair.  She woke slowly and drowsily, looking at him.  Her eyes were huge circles of sleepiness.   He couldn't help but place a soft, light kiss against her lips. 



Cassie stretched lazily and blushed at her intimate position on top of Charles. She tried to slither from atop him, onto her own side of the bed but his arms tightened.  "No. I want to hold you while you sleep." he reasoned softly, shifting his body, getting more comfortable.  Their legs twined together.  His mouth grazed hers.   He looked into her face.  She was beautiful.  Her hair was messy.  Her eyes were drowsy and her body was limp.  He had taken his slow, sweet, agonizing time with her earlier and she looked like she had been thoroughly loved.  He smiled to himself, remembering the things she had said and whispered to him.  Things he knew she would be embarrassed about later.  Things she'd be too embarrassed to repeat.


Cassie shivered at the feel of Charles's body beneath hers.  She couldn't believe he had slept holding her like this all night.  She shifted and saw his eyes smolder from the contact.

He wrapped his arms around her like steel bands, squeezing her.   "You're cold?" he asked, frowning, mistaking her shivering for coldness.  "Let me get you some more covers."  He moved to get up but Cassie refused, burrowing closer. She strained to get closer.  

She felt Charles's heart beating against her chest.  His hands stroked up and down her back. She wanted to stay right here with him, wrapped in his arms all night. She didn't want to go home.   "Charles what time is it?" she asked, still half asleep, her voice hoarse and cracking.  She was so tired.  Charles had loved her to the point of exhaustion tonight.  He had left no part of her body untouched.  She felt warm, safe and secure in his arms.

"It's okay baby.  Go back to sleep." he soothed, rubbing her thighs.  "You've still got a couple hours. I promise I won't let you over sleep. I'll follow you home later." He knew she had a curfew.

Cassie lay silently, falling asleep as Charles rubbed her back. "I love you Charles." She whispered before drifting away.

Charles pulled the covers up around them and kissed her head. "I love you to baby." he whispered quietly.



Scene 27

 Here Are Pictures of Claire and David


Watkins shined the flashlight in David's face. David squinted, turning his face away.

"Is this how you treat my daughter?   Is this how you respect her?" Watkins shouted.

Claire pushed the flashlight away. She was over being embarrassed.  Now, she was just angry. "Dad!, stop it." she yelled.   "You promised me you wouldn't do this. What happened to doing the right thing?" she pleaded earnestly.

Watkins glared at her. "Your friend here hasn't exactly set a good example.  All I've seen from him and his parents so far are illegal crimes and embarrassing situations, like this." he spat, holding the condom up in the air, throwing it at David.

David held his hands up. "Mr. Watkins..., Sir..., it's not what you think."

Watkins chuckled and stood up.  He leaned down, peering into the car.  "How the hell do you know what I'm thinking?" he growled. "I'll tell you what I know.  No man..., I'm sorry..., no boy" he corrected himself, "is going to disrespect my daughter. This is a public street for God's sakes and not to mention right in front of my house.  Boy..., you must be crazy!  You've been sitting out here for over thirty minutes doing God knows what to my daughter!" he yelled.

Claire sat up. "Dad, will you please keep your voice down." she begged. Several of the neighbor's lights turned on. "You're waking the neighbors.  "Dad, we weren't doing anything. Nothing happened. We just came to talk to you.  Now, I really wish we hadn't. " she argued.

David unlocked the door and got out of the car. He walked slowly around the hood of the car to Watkins's side. Claire's father was being ridiculous and unreasonable. Sometimes he felt like Claire was afraid of her own father.  The guy was a jerk.  "Mr. Watkins please let me explain."

Watkins spun around, facing him. "That's Officer Watkins to you son and if you know what's good for you you'll get back in that car." he threatened, letting his flashlight beam travel from the top of David's head to his shoes.  He shook his head despairingly.  "Nothing happened huh?  Since when did you start wearing lipstick?  That color doesn't do a damn thing for you." he mouthed viciously, indicating the few remaining, faint traces of lipstick smeared on David's mouth.

Claire saw an altercation in the making and got out of the car quickly. She stood between her father and David because she wasn't sure what her dad might do.  He had been going to counseling and seemed to be doing quite well before tonight.  She didn't know what had happened but he was in rare form tonight.  "David just go, please." she begged him.  She didn't want her dad to hurt him. "I'll call you." she whispered, wiping away the last traces of lipstick from his face with her fingers.

David was stubborn and he wouldn't budge. "No!" he shook his head. "I want your dad to hear me out."

Claire put her hand in the middle of his chest, determined to make him understand that the situation was getting out of control.  Her dad had that look on his face. "Please..., David...go.    It's okay." she explained.

David looked into her watery eyes. He grabbed her hands, disregarding the evil look Watkins shot his way. "Claire..., don't cry. We didn't do anything wrong."

"Get in your car son!" Watkins said loudly.  He turned to Claire. "Claire, go inside.  I'll talk to you when I get done here." he demanded.

Claire burst into tears. She knew the moment she left things would escalate. She refused. "Dad no. Why won't you listen to me?"

David pulled her closer, rubbing her hand.

"You told me you were going out with your friend Cassie but you show up here with him!" Watkins accused, yelling.

David was angry.  He and Claire had tried to do the right thing but they were being punished for it.  It was simple.  The guy just didn't like him.  He'd already made his mind up about him.  "Stop yelling at her!" he screamed. "Look at her.  She's crying for God's sakes!   Your own daughter is afraid of you." he blurted, finally getting Watkins's attention.

Watkins reached out to Claire but she stepped closer to David.  She was so angry with him she didn't want him to touch her.

David breathed in deeply. "Sir, I would never disrespect your daughter.  Nothing happened.  Why don't you just admit it Mr. Watkins?  You don't like me and you don't trust me because of my parents."

"I told you to go home son." Watkins repeated, eyeing David with disgust.

"I'm not your son!" David rang out.  His voice was raw, spitting pure venom.  His patience was wearing thin.  

Claire dried up her tears and gave David a gentle nod of the head, telling him she was okay and he should go.

David stared at her. He really didn't want to leave her but what choice did he have.  Claire's father was completely out of line.  He didn't understand how she dealt with him.   He gave her a quick kiss on the cheek and whispered in her ear. "I'll call you tonight." It took Claire a moment to release his hand.  He knew she really didn't want him to go. She finally released him and he backed away, eyeing Mr. Watkins.

"Is this the sports car your dad bought you with his dirty money?" Watkins verbally attacked, smoothing his hand down the car's hood, smirking.

David ignored the comment.  He walked away and opened the driver side door. He started to get in but turned to Watkins unexpectedly.  "You get a kick out of intimidating people don't you?" he questioned angrily.  He nodded his head, accepting his fate. "Fine.  You got me.  I'm intimidated but I'm not afraid of you." he acknowledged, making his position known.  He wasn't giving up on Claire despite her father's interference.  His dad was a lawyer.  He was involved in a lot of illegal dealings and had committed a lot of crimes but he was no coward and he'd instilled those same values in David.  If there was one thing David had learned from him, it was to never back down.  His dad had a saying, "always speak your piece but hold your peace."  Claire's dad might be older, wiser and stronger but none of that mattered. He was in love with Claire and he wanted a chance to be with her.  He got into his car and squealed off.



Scene 28

Charles woke Cassie far ahead of time, making sure she had plenty of time to get up and shower before she went home.  She fought him the whole time complaining of being tired but he nudged her playfully, forcing her awake. She smiled, yawned and squirmed on top of him. "Charles, I just want to lie here for a minute." she complained, trying to go back to sleep.

Charles shifted and turned onto his side with her. He turned her onto her back and stared into her face. Cassie's breath sucked in as he settled on top of her.  "I know you're tired but I have to get you home.  You're dad will kill me if I don't." he laughed softly, teasing her playfully. 

Cassie opened her eyes and kissed him on the cheek. He was right. They had shared a beautiful night and she was reluctant to see it end. Everything was perfect. They weren't fighting anymore. She had slept like a baby in his arms.  She was so happy to be back with him.  She smiled and raised up to find his mouth, kissing him.  

Charles groaned, turning his face away.  He didn't want to start something they couldn't finish. "Stop it." he laughed. "If you touch me I'll never get you out of here on time."

Cassie ignored him.  She drew his head down and forced him to kiss her, taunting him.  Charles gave up, relenting, kissing her aggressively.  He held her head in place. He pulled away and whispered against her mouth.  "If your too tired you better tell me now." he warned, letting her know how much he wanted her, letting her know he wanted her yet again.   His voice was raspy, husky and heavy. The heat in his eyes was overpowering. 

Cassie was tired but too embarrassed to admit it didn't matter. She didn't care. She still wanted him.  She simply nodded her head in agreement and shot him a come hither look with her lips caught between her teeth. Their three week separation had felt like three months and she had missed him. 

Charles smoothed her arms and kissed her. "Are you sure? he confirmed delicately.   "Baby, I don't want to hurt you." he cautioned.  They had already made love once tonight.  He didn't want to overwhelm her.

She kissed his cheek, confirming her unspoken answer.

Charles kissed her.  His kiss was coaxing, confident and convincing. She melted into his kiss.  "I can't believe I almost let you walk away from me.  I almost lost you." he admitted, feeling foolish.  He slid out of bed, reaching for his wallet, searching for protection.   He lifted her in his arms, carrying her to the shower.  He set her on her feet while he turned the water on, adjusting the temperature before pulling her inside with him. 


!!This Scene Contains Adult Content.  Reader Discretion Is Advised!!

Please stop and play the audio track below before reading any further. Listen to the track as you read the remaining story to help invision the scene.  Thanks 

The water was warm and it instantly revived Cassie from her sleepy state.  She stood motionless as Charles lathered his hands, bathing her.   He rinsed the lather from her skin with a soft cloth, smiling, enjoying his task.   Cassie was gloriously naked and she belonged to him.

Cassie hesitated. It was hard for her to think, hard for her to speak clearly with Charles touching her, bathing her.  His touch was intensely intimate. She gnawed her lip anxiously, trying to hide her nervousness. 

Charles caught her perplexed, worried expression and wrapped his arms around her.   He stood patiently, holding her, letting the water spray around them.  He leaned and whispered in her ear. "Are you going to tell me what's wrong?" 

Cassie forced a smile. "Nothing." she said quietly.

Charles looked at her strangely. "No, really.  Don't lie to me.  What's wrong? 

"I...I've never done anything like this before." she stammered, trying to force the words out but they came out as a faint, barely there whisper instead.  Sometimes she felt so inexperienced with him.  Everything she knew, everything they'd shared and experienced together, she had learned from him.  They'd been together numerous times but never like this.  She was totally unprepared for this.

Charles smiled and pulled her against him. He trailed the wash cloth down her back.  He understood her nervousness, her hesitation but was extremely happy being the first to share such a new, intimate  experience with her.   "I know you haven't baby.  I was there remember?" he chuckled knowingly, reminding her of their first time together.  He knew the extent of her experience.  He saw her blush and felt her stiffen in his arms.  "If you want me to take you home right now I will." he volunteered. He didn't want to make her any more uncomfortable than she already was.

Cassie stood silent for a few seconds before going up on her tip toes to kiss him. She was a little skittish but she wanted to be there.  She wanted to be with him.

Charles coaxed her into bathing his chest, pushing the cloth into her hands, guiding her, teaching her.  "I want you to touch me." he groaned, covering her mouth with his.  His lips were firm and full.  He moaned into her mouth.

Cassie dropped the cloth to the floor and wound her arms around his neck.

Charles turned with her in his arms, placing her back against the tiled shower wall.   He crowded her against the corner, flattening his palms against the wall, pressing his body against hers.  His weight pinned her against the wall.

Cassie let her head fall back against the shower wall, offering herself.  Charles accepted, nibbling on her neck.  "I promise I won't leave a mark." he growled, finally acknowledging that he had indeed seen the love bite she had tried so very hard to hide weeks before.

Cassie was too far gone to care.  She was caught up in a blurred haze of want and passion, completely overcome with the feel of Charles's wet, naked skin against hers. Her knees buckled but the pressure of his body against hers held her up.  She mumbled and whispered incoherent words repeatedly as Charles suckled and laved her neck. The water grew cold but neither one of them noticed. 

Charles wasn't sure what her words were but he heard the unmistakable call of his name softly moaned over and over.  "Baby,...I can't understand you." he teased, grinning, enjoying the way she clung to him. Her arms wrapped around his waist.  Her hands slid over the taught muscles on his back.  Her nails dug into his flesh.  She looked completely content.  Her whole body pulsed in his arms.  All he had to do was touch her and she exploded in his arms. It was intoxicating.



Charles caught her chin in his hand. He stared at her seductively.  His normally grey eyes smoldered and turned an intense dark shade of silver.  His facial expression was hard. He wanted her.  He placed his hands behind her knees. "Hold on to me." he spoke roughly, warning her as he lifted her against the wet, slippery wall, wrapping her legs around his waist.

"Charles!" Cassie cried, startled.  A huge breath left her lungs.  She was shocked by the unexpected intimacy of what they were about to do.  Her legs instinctively tightened around his waist for support.  She heard the squeaking sound of her back dragging against the wet tile. She stiffened and her eyes widened.  Charles held her tight around her waist as she placed her palms against his chest, pushing away from him.  The wall at her back was cold and hard.  Charles felt like a solid wall of muscle at her front.

Her voice cracked. "Charles wait...__." she started, unable to finish, to embarrassed to say what she was thinking. 

Charles kissed her temple. He spoke softly and looked into her eyes, sensing her apprehension. "What?" he breathed.  "You're fine." he breathed against her lips.  "Baby..., I'm not going to hurt you." He placed a soft kiss on her chin.  "Just relax."

He felt her body go rigid in his arms.  "I want to make love to you.  Right here.  Right now." he whispered boldly, completely uninhibited and unashamed of his feelings.  He didn't hold back. "You're not afraid are you?" he asked gently. His thumb caressed her jaw.   He trailed kisses along her collar bone. "Are you afraid I'm going to hurt you?" he whispered.

Cassie closed her eyes and swallowed hard.  His words conjured up steamy visions in her head.  She opened her eyes and his gaze locked on her, staring down at her, waiting for an answer.  She shook her head slowly.  She wasn't afraid of him.  She was a little nervous but she could never be afraid of him.   She loved him.  She knew he wouldn't hurt her. 

Charles kissed her.  She wanted him.  He could see it in her eyes. He felt it in the way she touched him.  Her legs felt like a vice grip around his waist.  She couldn't deny it but he also sensed that she was a little nervous.  He wanted to teach her everything he knew.  He wanted to be with her in ways she could never imagine but he didn't want to scare her.  He wanted to broaden her experience gradually and slowly. He knew he had to be patient with her.   "I'm not going to do anything you don't want me to do.  Okay?"   he questioned softly, caressing her cheek.  He caught her face between his hands and stared into her eyes. "Listen to me.  I want you to be comfortable with me when we're together.  "Baby..., don't be afraid to let go with me.  Don't hold back.   I love you." he muttered, kissing her lips gently.  

Cassie locked her legs around his waist even tighter.  She wet her lips and kissed him.

It was all the encouragement Charles needed. He exploded, kissing her hungrily, taking over, taking what he'd missed so much.  

He smiled against her lips. "You have no idea how much I love you." he professed. 

Cassie smile and tunneled her fingers into his wet hair, pulling his lips down to hers.  She knew regardless of what happened between them, regardless of how many arguments and disagreements they had, this man owned her heart.


Scene 29

Claire sat in her bedroom talking with David on the phone.  It was late but he had called as promised.

"Claire, I'm sorry about arguing with your dad.  I just wanted him to understand that we weren't doing anything wrong. I don't like being accused of something I didn't do."

Claire sighed on the other end of the line. "Don't worry about it David. I know you don't want to hear this but I don't think he'll ever accept you.  He's never going to let you live down your parent's troubles." she explained.  "You think that you can just talk to him and everything will be okay but you're going to see that it's not that easy."

"Okay..., so, what are you saying?  Are you telling me you're not going to see me anymore because your dad doesn't like me?  If you are, I can honestly tell you that's something I'm willing to chance. If that's what it takes to see you, I'm willing to live with your father disliking me." he stated confidently. 

"David, you're not being fair.  My dad's been through a lot." Claire said sadly.

"Claire, you keep saying that." he said frustratingly.   This was the second time she'd defended her dad's behavior.  "What happened?" he questioned.

Claire held the phone tightly.  "I can't talk about it David."

"Okay, fine." David replied.  "I know he's your father and I don't want to disrespect him but he's making our lives a living hell.  I don't want to have to sneak around with you.  I won't do it." he insisted.  "Seriously, your dad looked at me like he wanted to kill me tonight.  I thought I was going to die when he found that condom."

Claire laughed, remembering the look on David's face.  "Yeah really.  You looked like you'd seen a ghost."

David couldn't help it.  He laughed at himself.  "God, I was so embarrassed.  I knew I'd never be able to explain myself."

They laughed and talked for a long time, eventually turning silent, letting a comfortable silence fall between them on the phone.  Neither one said anything for a while.  They just consoled each other quietly.

David was the first to break the silence. "All joking aside, are you okay?" he asked, worried about her.  He hated the way her dad had made her cry.

"David, I'm fine." Claire responded. He was so sweet.  He was worried about her.

"Are you sure because you were crying when I left?" David reminded her. 

"Really, I'm fine." Claire repeated.  She heard footsteps down the hall and saw a shadow at the foot of her door. "David, I have to go.  I think my dad's coming." She whispered softly on the phone. "I'll call you tomorrow. Bye."



Watkins knocked on Claire's door. He cracked the door and peeped his head inside. "Can I come in?"

Claire sat up in her bed and fiddled with the bed covers.  "Would it matter if I said no?" she questioned sourly. 

Watkins ignored her comment and walked into the room, taking a seat beside her on the bed. He knew she was upset with him and she had every right to be.

"Dad, if you came here to talk about David, I'm not in the mood. You've embarrassed me enough for one night." Claire spat.

Watkins stared at her.  "So..., you really like this David don't you?"  He knew she did.  He'd never seen her cry over a boy like that before.

Claire shrugged.  "What difference does it make.  You won't allow me to see him.  Dad, you didn't even give him a chance to  explain.  Nothing happened.  He didn't do anything to me.  You know..., David begged me to come here tonight so he could talk to you.  He wanted to meet you, officially.  He was convinced he could make you understand and that you'd realize he was a good guy. Boy..., you sure proved him wrong."

Watkins twined his fingers together and twiddled his thumbs.  "I'm sorry baby girl.  I know I embarrassed you.  I'm not saying David is a bad guy but I don't know him.  I don't know a whole lot about him but I dislike the parts that I do know and have seen. Take tonight for example.  I'm your father and whether you like it or not, I'm going to get upset and real nasty when I find you sitting outside in a parked car with some guy."

"Dad, he's not just some guy. You make him sound so random.  We already told you, nothing happened and as for not knowing anything about him, that's your fault.  You won't give yourself a chance to know him.  You promised me you were going to do better. I don't understand." Claire said sadly.

Watkins held his hand up to to quiet her. "Claire, there were condoms on the floor." he said with a stern face.   As your father, what did you expect me to think?"

Claire's lips flattened. "I expect you to believe me and trust me as your daughter.  I expect you to know that I would never disrespect you, especially not in front of our house. Seriously, can you give me a little credit?  I know what it looked like but it's not what you think. I'm not even going to try to explain because you'll never believe me." she said dismissively.

"Claire." Watkins mouthed, raising his eyebrows and cocking his head to the side, warning her to watch her tone.

Claire changed the subject. "Let's just drop it.  We're never going to see eye to eye on David.  For some reason, you're in a nasty mood and you took it out on him.


Watkins took her hand in his.  He'd had a horrible evening.  One phone call had changed his whole attitude.  "Your mom called tonight." he said, eyeing her with a solemn gaze.

"What?!, Oh my God.  What did she say?  Dad we haven't heard from her in months. I got tired of leaving messages." Claire stated.  She was closer to her dad than her mom but she still loved her.  They had grown apart with the divorce and the shooting but she was still her mom.

Watkins stared at a blank spot on the wall.  "She's getting married." he mouthed roughly.

Claire turned away. She went completely still, taking in the news. "Wow.  I didn't even know she was seeing someone."  She was hurt.  The news of her mom's upcoming marriage confirmed the awful truth about their family.  Her mom and her dad would never be together again.  Her mom was moving on with her life.  She wished her dad would do the same.  She turned to him with uncertain eyes.  "Is that why you were so upset tonight, why you jumped all over David for no reason?"  She knew her dad.  Her parents got into a heated argument every time they spoke.  It never failed.  They just couldn't get along anymore.  Usually, her dad would stay in a bad mood for days afterwards.

Watkins took both her hands in his. "This isn't about your mom's marriage baby.  You know..., you and I may not get along all the time but we've managed to make a life here.  We're adjusting.  I don't want anything or anyone to interfere with that."

Claire interrupted him.  "Dad, I like David and I want to be with him.  I'm eighteen, a senior in high school.  It's not fair for you to treat me like a child. I really like him and I want you to let me be with him.  He has nothing to do with our screwed up father, daughter relationship.  You and I..., we created this mess all on our own."

Watkins squeezed her hand and put his palm again her cheek.  "This has nothing to do with David baby. I'm sorry I gave him a hard time."

Claire didn't understand.  She wasn't following him.  "Then, what are you talking about?"

"Your mom wants you to come live with her.  That's why she called." he blurted out, remembering his ex-wife's exact words. She'd told him Claire needed to be with her mother.  She had accused him of taking Claire away from her and making her choose sides. They had gotten into a nasty argument.  Words had been exchanged and he'd slammed the phone down in her face.  No way in hell was she taking his baby.

Claire jerked her hand away.  "Dad no!  No!, I don't want to.  I don't want to go.  Why?   Where is this coming from?" 

Watkins tried to calm her. "I don't know Claire.  Maybe your mother wants to start over, start fresh."

"I made my decision months ago and I chose to come here with you.  I want to be with you.  We've been gone for months now." Claire pleaded.

Watkins rubbed her shoulder. Claire hugged him tightly.  "It's okay baby girl.  You're not going anywhere and I believe you." he added.

Claire pulled away and looked up at him. "You believe what?" she asked.

Watkins gritted his teeth.  He didn't admit he was wrong very often. "You said nothing happened between you and David.   I believe you.  I trust you."

Claire hugged him.  "Thanks dad."



Scene 30

Charles unlocked the door to the apartment. He could rest easy. He'd gotten Cassie home safely, on time and in one piece.  He threw his keys on the foyer table and looked around.  He could have sworn he'd turned most of the lights off when he left. He dove onto the couch. Maybe a little late night television would put him to sleep.

"Hey baby!!!!" His mom screamed in his ear just as he closed his eyes.

He jumped up, completely out of sorts with his heart pounding.  "Holy shit!" he breathed, holding his chest.  "Mom, you scared the crap out of me." he said smiling, elated to see her.

Marla frowned.  "Hey, you watch your language." she said, grabbing him and hugging him tightly.  "I hid in the bedroom.  I wanted to surprise you." She squeezed him and stood back to look at him.  "Oh, I missed you."

Charles hugged her.  He kissed her her cheek.  "I missed you to.  When did you get in?"

Marla shrugged. "About an half an hour ago.  I was hoping you'd be at home.  I wanted to walk in and surprise you."

Charles smiled.  "I was with Cassie." he replied, laughing to himself.  If his mom had came home a few minutes earlier she would have definitely surprised them.

Marla squeezed his cheek. "What's so funny?" she questioned suspiciously. "And how is Cassie, your fiancee, my future daughter in law?" she teased.

"Nothing's funny." Charles said.  "I'm just glad your home and Cassie's fine.  I can't believe your here. You're here for a while right?" 

Marla winced. "I'll be here for a week."

Charles frowned.

Marla stepped away from him and did a twirl in her flight attendant's uniform. "How do I look?  You're looking at the newly improved, certified Lufthansa flight attendant." she bragged.

Charles smiled.  "That's great mom. I'm so proud of you. I just wish you could be here longer."

Marla grabbed his hand and tugged him down onto the sofa. "Don't get upset. I'll be here for a week but the good news is from now on I'm guaranteed to be home at least a couple days every two weeks if not more.  I'm going to be a real full time mom. Well, almost full time." she smiled. How's that for quality time?"

Charles hugged her. "That's sounds great.  I can't believe it. Finally.   So, what's it like, flying all over the world?" he asked excitedly.

Marla held her head up in deep thought. "Well, it's tiring at times but I get to meet some really interesting people and I get to see a little bit of the world for free."

Charles eyed her sternly.  "Interesting people or interesting men mom?" he accused, worried that she would eventually get caught up with some strange guy from another state or better yet another country.

Marla tapped him on his head.  "Hey!, give your mom a little credit. I admit I've done some crazy things and hooked up with some losers but that doesn't give you the right to insult me."

Charles dropped his head low.  "I'm sorry.  You're right.   I was out of line. I just worry about you when I don't see you for weeks.  I can't help it. You're my mom."

Marla kissed him on his fore head and Charles squirmed away.  "Mom, I'm not a baby. Stop it." he laughed.

"You're a baby to me.  My only baby." She ruffled his hair. "My big baby. Look how big you are.  I can't believe what a strong, fine young man you've become."

Charles waved his finger at her, warning her.  "Mom please don't get sentimental on me.  You always cry when you get sentimental."

"Oh, you're no fun." Marla joked.  "Look, it's late and I'm beat but I want to do something special this weekend. Maybe me you and Cassie can get together and do something fun.  It's time I got to know my daughter in law."

"Yeah, that sounds great." Charles agreed, kissing her goodnight.

Marla smiled. "But first thing I want to do next week is look for a bigger place. We need to get out of this tiny apartment. I can afford it now." she stated.  She was finally able to provide for Charles. She wanted to give him some of the things he needed but also wanted.  They had both done without so many things for so long.  Hopefully, she could finally be a real mother to him.  She could truly take care of him and spend time with him.  He had practically raised himself and he'd done a fine job.  He'd grown into a well adjusted, handsome man and she was so proud of him.

"Great." Charles blurted out.  "I hate this apartment."

Marla laughed and threw a pillow at him.  "Get out of here.  Go to sleep."



Scene 31

Jenn took the chicken casserole from the oven. Eddie had invited Nate over for dinner and she wanted to make sure everything was extra special. "Tay, go upstairs to the attic and bring down some extra chairs please."

"Why?" Tay responded, looking at the dinning room table.  "We have enough chairs." 

"Tay, I want to make sure we set a couple of extra place settings. Nate may bring Jeron with him.  We want to make our guest feel welcome."

Tay frowned. "Really.  Jeron?" he questioned.

Jenn picked up on his attitude. "Tay I thought you liked Jeron.  What's with the long face?"

"I did.  I mean I do but Jeron is different.  He's changed. I hardly ever see him anymore.   The people he hangs around with at school, their a bunch of bullies and thugs.  Jeron and I barely speak anymore."

Jenn smiled. "Well, maybe it's a good thing him and his mom are staying with Nate now.  Tay, just because he's changed doesn't mean he's a bad person. Maybe he's just getting involved with the wrong people."

"Maybe." Tay shrugged. "I'll get those chairs."

"Tell your sisters to help you." Jenn yelled after him.



Cassie and Lizzie helped Tay set the table. "Mom, why do we need so many place settings?" Lizzie asked, counting two extras.  "It's just Nate and Jeron."

"Yeah." Tay complained, "and Jeron probably won't even show up."

"Cassie, help me bring the food out." Jenn said. "Tay..., Lizzie, your father invited officer Watkins to join us."

"Officer Watkins!?" Cassie exclaimed, rolling her eyes.

"Cassie, don't be like that.  Stop it.  He's a nice man.  He's just had a few problems.  Besides, I thought you'd be happy. Hopefully he'll come and bring Claire with him."

Cassie scoffed. "Mom, officer Watkins is a jerk.  I thought this was suppose to be a nice family dinner.  I just lost my appetite."

"Cassie, I don't want to hear you talking like that.  He's your friend's father.  You need to respect him." Jenn chastised.

Eddie rushed downstairs. He was starving and the whole house smelled like chicken casserole. He couldn't wait to dig in.  Jenn had slaved away in the kitchen all day cooking all of Nate's favorites.  She still felt guilty about firing his mom.  He kept telling her everything would be okay.

Who's that calling my partner a jerk?" Eddie asked, leaning to kiss Jenn.

"Sorry dad." Cassie apologized, heading into the kitchen. 

Eddie stopped her. "Don't be to hard on him Cassie.  He's trying to do better."

Eddie walked around the table, trying to steal some food.  Jenn slapped his hand away. "Eddie you are not going to starve. We'll have dinner as soon as Nate gets here." she laughed.

"Jenn I'm starved." Eddie complained, rubbing his stomach.

Jenn laughed.  She kissed him.   "Stop complaining and help us set the table."

The door bell rang.  Eddie rubbed his hands together. "Saved by the bell.  Great, now we can eat." he smiled, racing to get the door.  "That's probably Nate.  I'll get it."   

Eddie opened the door and greeted Nate and Jeron. He was happy Nate had brought him along. He hugged Nate. "How's it going son."

"Hey dad." Nate replied.  "I hope you don't mind. I brought Jeron along with me."

Eddie shook his head. "No, of course not. We've got plenty. The more the merrier." He touched Jeron on the shoulder. "Nice of you to join us Jeron. I haven't seen you in a while."

Jeron shot Eddie a burning look.  "I only came because Nate asked me to." he admitted grudgingly.    He didn't want to be there.  It was bad enough that Jenn had fired his mom. Now, he had to sit here and smile in her face and sit at her dinner table. His mom had gotten fired and everything had changed.  She couldn't get along with grandma Taylor anymore.  Money was tight so they had moved in with Nate.  He had to share a room with her.   What teenage guy wanted to share a room with his mom?

Eddie turned to Nate. He wanted to talk to Jeron alone. "Why don't you go on into the dinning room soon. Everything's ready."

Jeron shuffled his feet and folded his arms. He was in no mood to hear one of Mr. Sutton's pep talks.

Eddie studied him.  Jeron's attitude left a lot to be desired. He'd come in with a funky attitude and wasn't trying to hide it. "Jeron, you can talk to me about whatever's on your mind.  I think I know why you're upset but trust me, maybe being with Nate is the best thing for you and your mom. Nobody's trying to hurt your mother Jeron.  Things happen and people make mistakes.  Your mom made a mistake and now she has to pay for it.  The two of you should try to make the best of it."

"That's easy for you to say." Jeron replied, stepping around him, walking away.

Eddie stared after him. He sighed. It wasn't Nate who Jenn should worry about.  It was Jeron.



Dinner was fantastic.  The food was great and Nate and Jenn's relationship was actually better than ever. Jenn was relieved that he wasn't holding a grudge against her. She had been so worried but Dana's name never came up.  It was as if nothing had changed.

Nate complimented her dinner.  "Jenn, as usual, this food is delicious."

Jenn smiled. "Oh..., thanks Nate. I made plenty.  You be sure to take some home with you."  She noticed that Jeron had barely touched his plate.  "Jeron I thought you liked chicken casserole. You've had my casserole before. Are you not hungry?" she asked.

Jeron picked up his fork and picked at his plate. He looked at Jenn. "It taste okay." he mumbled.

Nate tried to cover for him. "We had a big breakfast Jenn. He's probably not hungry."

Jenn forced a smile but she felt uneasy.



Cassie's cell phone rang.  She pulled it out of her pocket, checking the caller id.

"Uh-huh." Jenn responded.  "Cassie, you know how I feel about cell phones at the dinner table. Put it away."

Cassie glanced at the screen and smiled. "Mom please.  It's Charles. I'll talk fast.  I promise."

Jenn agreed. "Alright but make it quick."

Cassie got up from the table and ran into the kitchen for some privacy. "Charles, hi."

"Hey beautiful.  I was going to call you earlier but my mom and I slept in." he explained.

"When did your mom get home? Cassie asked, surprised.

"Last night.  Listen, my mom and David and I are going out for dinner. I want you to come with us. Mom can't wait to see you."

Cassie winced.  She was disappointed. "I can't. We're having a special family dinner. Nate is here. I can't leave."

"Okay, well..., let's get together later." Charles said.

Cassie looked around at all the food in the kitchen. Her mom always cooked to much food.  They had plenty. "Charles, I've got a better idea. Why don't you all come have dinner with us?" she suggested. They had expected more guests anyway. Fortunately, Watkins hadn't showed up. There was no need to waste food.  

"I don't know Cassie." Charles refused, "it sounds like a family thing."

Cassie laughed. "Charles, you're my fiancee. You're going to be a part of this family eventually."

"Alright, we'll be over in a few minutes." Charles agreed. "Love you. Bye."

"Bye. See you soon." Cassie responded.



Cassie rushed back into the dinning room.  "Mom, I invited Charles and his mom over for dinner.  Oh, and David.  I hope that's okay."

Eddie swiveled in his seat, frowning at her. "Can we please have one family dinner without Charles?"

"Dad!" Cassie exclaimed, defending Charles.

Jenn laughed. She knew Eddie didn't mean.  He liked giving Cassie a hard time about Charles. He was teasing her. "Eddie, stop it. Cassie your father didn't mean it.  Of course it's okay."

The door bell rang. Cassie smiled.  "That's Charles.  I'll get it."  She ran to the door, opening it quickly.

"Whoa!"  She couldn't hide her surprise. It was Claire and officer Watkins.   "Claire..., Mr. Watkins..., hi.   I'm sorry,  thought you were someone else."

Claire stepped in and hugged her.  She had a huge smile on her face.  "Hey Cassie."

Watkins stood outside the door. "Is your father here?" he asked. 

Cassie invited him in.  "Yes.   Mr. Watkins, please come inside." she offered, minding her manners.

Eddie came around the corner.  He thought he'd heard a familiar voice.

Cassie smiled and grabbed Claire's hand, leading her into the dinning room. "Come on Claire.  I'm so glad you're here."

Eddie shook Watkins's hand and touched him on the shoulder. "Watkins!, my man. Glad you decided to show up. I didn't think you were coming. Can't believe you decided to come break bread with me."  He was thrilled to see Watkins.  He never thought he'd come.  Watkins sure had fooled him.

"Yeah, I hope we're not too late." he replied, handing Eddie the bottle of wine he'd brought.

"Thanks but you didn't have to bring anything. I'm just glad you came." Eddie said.

Watkins stuck his hands into his pockets   I don't want to intrude but I decided to take you up on your offer."  He'd been sitting around the house and had made a last minute decision to come over.   He and Sutton didn't get along all the time but Eddie was his partner and he knew he was a good guy, a good cop.  Most of all, he hadn't judged him when he found out the truth about him.  He had influenced him to get help.  He had encouraged him to seek counseling.  It was time he made some changes in his life and maybe those changes included making new friends.



Eddie introduced Watkins to Jenn.

"Officer Watkins, nice to finally meet you." Jenn shook Watkins's hand, welcoming him. She was very surprised.  He seemed very polite and cordial. He was a real gentleman.

"Like wise. Nice to meet you Mrs. Sutton." Watkins replied. "I hope I'm not intruding.  I don't want to ruin your family dinner."

Jenn shook her head. "Oh, no.  Not at all.  She motioned to the empty place settings.  "We were hoping you'd come.  Have a seat.  I hope your hungry."

Watkins sat beside Claire. She smiled at him and caught his hand under the table. She loved her dad so much and he was finally making an effort.  This was the father she wanted everyone to see.

Watkins was glad he'd come.  Dinner was delicious and the conversation at the table was light and entertaining.  His partner had a really nice family and his kids were extremely well mannered.  He had a hard time showing it but he had a lot of respect for Eddie. 



The door bell rang once again. Cassie grew quiet.  She knew it had to be Charles.  She shot Claire a worried look.  She hadn't told her they were expecting David and Charles.  The moment of truth had arrived. She hoped sparks wouldn't fly between David and Mr. Watkins.  "I'll get it." she volunteered.

She opened the door and Charles's mom squeezed the life out of her. "Cassie!  Oh my goodness look at you. You are such a beautiful girl.   My son is such a lucky man.  He better be treating you right."

Cassie returned her hug.  "Thank you Mrs. Antoni.  I'm glad you're home and Charles and I are fine." She laughed.  Mrs. Antoni made her smile.  She was such a fun person. She had a real bubbly, outgoing personality.

Charles interrupted. "Mom, you're embarrassing her and please don't squeeze her to death.  Let go." he joked.

Marla released Cassie immediately. "Oh, I'm sorry Cassie. I'm just so excited to see you.  I'm happy to be home."

David laughed. Charles's mom was hilarious.  "Hey Cassie."

"Hi David." Cassie grinned. She knew he'd be happy to see Claire.

Charles pulled her into his arms. "Hey, where's my hug?" he asked, stealing a quick kiss.

Marla cleared her throat. "Ahem. I thought we came here for dinner."

Charles released Cassie but pulled her close with his arm around her waist.  "Sorry mom." he apologized.

"Come on, let's have dinner." Cassie invited.  "Oh, David..., there's someone here to see you."

"Huh?" David replied, dumbfounded.  He had no idea what Cassie was talking about.  He was completely surprised to find Claire at the table.  His eyes light up.  The moment was tense. Claire went completely still.  She was quiet as a mouse.  Watkins looked David up and down.

Cassie introduced Marla to Claire and Watkins.   Marla hugged and kissed just about everyone at the table. She talked non-stop.  They didn't have enough seating for everyone so Eddie sent Tay and Jeron for more chairs.  They hadn't expected so many people.  "Tay, I think we have some folding chairs in the storage shed. Why don't you and Jeron bring some of them out."

"Sure." Tay responded.  "Come on Jeron."

Watkins pushed his chair back and stood up. Claire held her breath and gripped the sides of her chair for support. She knew it. He was about to cause a scene.  She stared down at her plate.  She couldn't face anyone.

Watkins held his chair out. "Ah..., David, why don't take my seat and sit here..., with Cl...Claire." he offered, stammering his words, embarrassed of showing his softer side.  "I'll take another seat."

Claire nearly fainted.  She couldn't believe what she was hearing.

David walked around the table. "Thank you Mr. Watkins..., Sr." he added, holding out his hand as a sign of truce.

Watkins gripped his hand with a firm shake.  He didn't say a word. He simply shook David's hand.



Tay and Jeron brought extra chairs and everyone squeezed in tight.  The table was crowded and loud with conversations but no one seemed to mind.  They were all having a good time.  Charles sat next to Cassie and twined their fingers together.  Claire held David's hand under the table. He rubbed her palm and smiled at her.  Everyone sat, ate, talked and laughed.  It was a true Sutton family dinner.

  The End

Stay Tuned For Story 5


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